Category Archives: Videos


Young kids and instruments

I love the guitar, kid. I love the choice of solo, too, one of the few times Kirk‘s wah actually needed to be used.

Cover is bad though. Wait for your fingers to grow longer, you’re too small to cover the frets. Overall pretty sloppy.

Drink milk, stay in school and keeps practicing. Preferably with a metronome (hint hint).

My rating:


Metal goes acoustic

I must admit, as incredibly Metal (and handsome) I am, I am actually a big fan of acoustic music too. Don’t get me wrong, I love distortion and blast beats as much as the next man, but there’s something about that clean and pure sound you get from an acoustic guitar that I love. One of my favorite past times, when I’m bored (which is a lot, because I have no life), is checking out some acoustic covers of Metal tracks on Youtube. Ok, so some really suck, but some are undeniably brilliant.

What is my favorite cover that I’ve been listening to recently? Well it happens to be the awesome cover of Machine Head‘s Now I Lay Thee Down, which can be found above. The musician does a brilliant job at recreating the track for the acoustic guitar.


Video of the Week: Dry Kill Logic

So this week in Video of the Week, we have two videos of the week, both by Dry Kill Logic. The video on the left is the music video to ‘Paper Tiger,’ which comes off ‘The Dead and Dreaming’ and the video on the right is a live performance of the same song.

I’ve seen DKL live twice and what blew me away each time was how perfect the band sounded live. When you compare both videos, you can almost hear no differences. The guitar playing, the drumming, the singing, everything sounds live just as it does on the CD. Or more like, this is the closest to sounding identical that I’ve ever heard. Plus, I really like that song, even though it might sound to Metalcore… ish for my usual taste. Guilty pleasure, I guess.


Video of the Week: Exodus

I always had a hard time getting into Exodus. Don’t get me wrong, I love early Thrash Metal but Exodus just not so much. But I’m refering to their early work, I definitely love their newer stuff. ‘Exhibit B: The Human Condition’ is an awesome album, front to back and ‘Downfall,’ for which they shot the video above, is actually my favorite song of that album.

Now, I might not like their early output but I do dig their 80’s methods of shooting videos. Just look at the video above, it doesn’t scream 2010 but 1986 at you. More bands should make videos like that. Who cares about going back to the roots with your sound? Go back to the roots with your videos!


Video of the Week: Ex Deo

One day, Kataklysm’s vocalist Maurizio Iacono, a Canadian of Italian heritage, probably thought “Hey, these Scandinavian guys sure have a sweet culture. They sing about it all the time. I can do that, too!” and he did. He started a side project called Ex Deo and wrote a concept album about Rome, called ‘Romulus’.

If you’re not familiar with Roman culture, definitely watch the video above, for the titletrack of the album, because it tells the story of Romulus and Remus. Definitely metal, I approve.

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