
Weak Recap: Metalheads Anonymous

Hello and welcome to your daily MA meeting here at Dose of Metal. We are here to guide you, through group therapy sessions, from music for posers to music for true metalheads. Metalheads Anonymous is the only way to turn you into a headbanging, beer-drinking metal elitist.

The first item on the MA agenda is the weekly Weak Recap. If you want to look forward to become a metalhead, you have to look in the past how the metalhead elite has done it. And let’s face it, there is no better place to learn of metal than at Dose of Metal.

So let’s get it started, shall we? Go ahead and make the jump.


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We’re not really the type of website which begs its readers for likes and followers. We’re more of a ‘put a gun to your head’ type of site.

If you want to stop being a total failure and actually turn from a geek who spends way too much time on Facebook, to a metalhead who spends just enough time on Facebook, cause he reads Dose of Metal’s posts there, do yourself a favor and like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

We’re doing this shamelessly because we have no shame. Which makes the previous sentence redundant and dumb. Which makes you even worse cause you’re the one fucking reading it.

Have a nice weekend!


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Metal icons by highaltitude.


Mine are the drums of God

A recurring theme likely to manifest in my posts is that I’m old, bitter, and, if I had a lawn, I’d want these stretched-lobed whippersnappers to get the fuck off of it immediately. I’m not trying to say that things were better back in my day… but if we’re speaking objectively, they definitely were. Especially when it comes to drums in metal.

Now that our fear of imperfection has eliminated the drummer’s groove by snapping every hit to the grid, disregarded their tone by replacing all their hits with samples, and crushed all dynamics through excessive compression/limiting, what do we have left but glorified drum machines? Do drummers even have personalities anymore? (If you know any drummers you already know the answer to this) Can anyone even tell modern drummers apart from one another?

Back in my day, not only did drummers have to carry their drums on their back as they walked 5 miles uphill through snow to the studio, they also had to *GASP* actually play songs all the way through in order to achieve a final take. Not just get ‘close enough’ for the producer/engineer to fix later. ‘Recording’ songs has given way to ‘constructing’ songs and what’s been lost is the sound of a human being absolutely destroying a drumkit in a room. It may not be “perfect” but imperfection is what makes it human.

With this in mind, let’s talk about one of the best metal drum performances/productions to ever be released… After the jump!


Just one day left…

Just a reminder, our awesome Death Grip Clothing giveaway is gonna come to an end tomorrow night at 12 am (New York time), so that gives you about a day left to enter, if you haven’t already.

Don’t miss out on five awesome shirts that will let everyone around you know that you’re into the RIGHT genre of music.

Read the instructions and enter here. Or don’t, and miss out on being a metal god.

Your choice, really.


Friday Top 10: Worst band transformations


Fresh of the recently debuted Korn‘s dubstep track, I got an amazing (and very original) idea for a Top 10: let’s take a look at some of the most drastic transformations in hard rock and metal.

List is mostly based on music, though we all know metal goes hand in hand with fashion, so we’ll feature some of that as well. Read on to find ten examples of some of the most horrific, embarrassing or simply plain stupid transformations, in what is could be the first out of two articles.

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