
Learn how to retail, kid

Love metal and looking to get into the retail industry? Ignore those people that argue “music doesn’t sell” if you wish, but if you want to build a strong clientèle, it’s probably best to adopt an ‘honesty is the best policy’ rule. Just check out JB Hi-Fi‘s supreme retailing skillz.

I wonder how many albums they’d sell with that there?… You’d have to be pretty stupid to buy an album that even the store trying to sell it to you is telling you not to buy it. And yes, my brain does hurt after writing that sentence.


Nikki Sixx to release two books we won’t read

Nikki Sixx is a lot of things… Bassist… Karate flying kicker, Amy Winehouse fan, Bret Michaels non-fan, and apparently an author, too.

But not just any writer, like, you know, one of those unhip doofus writers who only write one book at a time. Nope, brother done got started on TWO books, son… Fo’ shizzle, yo… Wesside.

One book will be released the upcoming summer (around May or June 2012) and the other one in 2013. It’s safe to say that neither of us at Dose of Metal plan on reading either of them, or any of his previous books for that matter. Why?

Well, for one thing, we don’t really read — if you couldn’t figure that out already by our poor grasp of the English language.
Two, it’s Nikki Sixx. I wouldn’t touch anything he’s released with a wooden pole. Or is stick? Or maybe… Woodden Stikk?

Anyway, here’s what Nikki had to say about his books on Facebook:

Neither book is like anything i have done before […] I pride myself on not writing the same book over & over and also not using a ghost writer… Of course it takes longer, but raw honesty through words is what I am driven to publish… After I get it all out on paper I use a trusted editor to help me carve it into a palatable experience…

Read full post here.

If he’s really not using a ghost writer, that’s pretty cool. Of course, the term ‘ghost writer’ usually implies not admitting it, so unless we give him a lie detector test, how can we ever be sure?


Alter Bridge have a video interview

Alter Bridge got interviewed.
Whoever interviewed them uploaded the clip on YT.
Blabbermouth posted about it.
Alex read it on Blabbermouth.
Alex decided to post it here, too, in spite of being a day too late and pretty uninteresting.
You are now reading this lazy article.
I’ve wasted your time.


Supreme Pain have a new drummer

Dutch metal band Supreme Pain (who?) announced a new drummer: Eric De Windt. (who?)

According to Supreme Pain

Eric is a very experienced musician and was part of many bands, such as Severe Torture (vocalist), Sinister (vocals on ‘Aggressive Measures’) and Prostitute Disfigurement, Inhume and DESTROYER666 (drums). At the moment he is also drummer for the Dutch death metal band Temple.

Yeah, I don’t know who any of those guys are, so they might as well make up some names, too, just to add to his resume.I do like those names though… Prostitute Disfirgurement, Destroyer666, those are all names I used on AOL’s messenger a few years ago. Awesome.

I guess you can watch videos of the band performing with him after the jump. Good on ya’ if you know who they are though, I don’t — nor do I want to find out.


Anvil also got interviewed

Yeah baby, keeping it minimalistic today.

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