
Bleeding Through set to complete new album

Bleeding Through, a band amazingly not named after the female menstrual cycle (I prefer the male menstrual cycle personally), will apparently finish work on their brand new album, The Great Fire, today. The record is due for release in early 2012.

Bleeding Through‘s last album was pretty damn good despite only selling around 3,700 copies in its first week in the US, so I’m actually quite looking forward to this. It seems the band have improved with age, yet their sales have taken a dive. I guess that could mostly be attributed to changing markets and the industry shifting, blah blah etc. Sucks though, Bleeding Through are more than what their image perpetuates.


Rolling Stone’s Top 100 guitarists of all time makes Alex laugh

So Rolling Stone magazine has a new Top 100 out, and it’s about the best guitarists of all time… Now, I do know how hard it must be to put such a top together, you have to take a lot of things into consideration, and no matter what, people will always be disappointed.

But I really think this Top is overall a piece of shit. I’m sorry, nothing against the magazine, but it just makes me laugh.

James Hetfield is ranked 87th. Dimebag is ranked 92nd. You know what Tom Morello is ranked? Fucking 40th.

I mean I got nothing against the guy, but how can the guy who uses every pedal in the goddamn universe rank about 50 places higher than two of the most influential metal guitarists? He’s even four places higher than Mark Knopfler, and that really is an amazing guitarist. Take away all of his pedals, what does Tom have, anyway, when compared to those three?

Kurt Cobain is also ranked higher than Dime and Jaymz.

Now, about the first places, I do agree with them. Jimi Hendrix is, of course, in first place, followed by Eric Clapton and Jimmy Page. Other wonderful guitarists are very high up, which is another plus for the article — Chuck Berry (7th), Eddie Van Halen (8th), Angus Young (24th) and Tony Iommi (25th).

I do have a problem with Keith Richards getting number four. I mean, I love the Stones, and I think they’re wonderful — they also put an amazing show live. But is Keith really above all those other names? I know it’s probably his writing, not his proficiency, that got him there… But the fourth guitarist of all time? I don’t think so. Are they biased cause they share (almost) the same name as his band?

The whole top is a mess, and metalheads got fucked. Rolling Stone usually has great articles, so how could this happen?

Oh, the guy who plays guitar in Blink-182 was one of the voters. Alongside him, Billy Corgan and a shitload of people I never heard of. Well, with such a roster of amazing talents (such as the dude in Blink), no wonder they screwed it up.

Good job on *most* of the first places, but shame on you for neglecting or underestimating some fine metal guitarists. Hope you redeem yourself, Rolling Stone.

You can read the full article here. Keep in mind that it has that awful image scroller thing, so you can only browse it one name at a time. If you want a headache-free list of the Top 100, make the jump.


Lars hearts Maiden, talks future ‘Tallica plans

Lars Ulrich says he wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Maiden. I’d actually credit James for getting Lars where he is today, but hey, let’s not change the subject…

So in a recent interview, Lars praised Maiden and talked about Metallica‘s future plans… Check out a few excerpts below:

We [are] all incredible Maiden fans, obviously, and I don’t think Metallica would be where Metallica is today if it wasn’t for Iron Maiden, not only paving the way but also for just inspiring me in 1981 to form a band. We were sitting there recording the Garage thing in LA and it was a pretty loosey-goosey set of sessions and one day we started going into “Run To The Hills” which is one of those things that anybody could attempt at any time.


We’ve got our thirtieth anniversary shows coming up in San Francisco in December, so we’ve got a perfect rest of the year. We’ve got a couple of shows, get of the house for the weekend type of thing, we’re doing this Lou Reed thing which is absolutely fantastic and then it’s the eternal back to writing songs and making another record thing.

Read full article here.

I’m still waiting to be invited with a full press access to the anniversary shows. Come on, guys, I’d write the best piece on those concerts, don’t cheap out and fly me to the shows. I’ll bring my own beer.

Anyway, I’m glad they’re already trying to write a new album, because Lulu was just… Argh… But given the new dubstep trend, I’m really afraid they’ll pull a Load, ReLoad or St. Anger and simply try to do what’s popular right now and change their sound completely.

I guess time will tell… In the meantime, I have to agree: Iron Maiden fucking rules.


Marilyn Manson is not a band

Chris Vrenna

Chris Vrenna, the dude that looks like a typical member of Marilyn Manson, is no longer in Marilyn Manson. We’re not sure what the reason for the fallout is, but we’re hoping really hard Manson will try and make an album of yet another of his failed relationships.

Kidding aside, seems that Vrenna wants to focus on his solo projects (watching porn on his Mac with headphones on so his mom wouldn’t hear him? trying out Angry Birds in Chrome to see how it compares to the iPhone version? making dubstep?), and guess what, Marilyn Manson probably wants to do the same. Get it, it’s funny because he’s almost alone in the band now. Except for Twiggy.

Judging by the video we got to see a few months back, I’d say he needs band members more than ever, and preferably he should also let them write all the music.


Beavis and Butthead + Metallica

Classic. Even though I’m not really impressed with the new episodes…

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