
Dave Mustaine was fueled by hatred

If you ever wondered what made Dave Mustaine so creative during Megadeth‘s first years, wonder no more. Chris Poland comes with the answer. Hint: It’s very predictable.

You really have to give Dave credit. Dave wrote a lot of the material. It came from his… He was fueled by hate for Metallica, so that added that extra angst to what we were doing. It was perfect timing and like you said, the chemistry was right.

This is why I’ve always said Dave being kicked out of Metallica was the best thing to ever happen to us. We got two great bands out of it. Can you imagine Dave practicing guitar?


More from the same interview here.


New Dose of Metal layout

This is something I’ve been meaning to do for a while, but never had time. Now the site sports a new look. Some things may still look weird, like a lot of the images of the older posts which got a bit distorted, but hopefully everything will get fixed at some point.

Oh yeah, I’ll also try to write more. Enjoy!


Review: DEF-CON-ONE – Warface

As un-metal as it sounds, DEF-CON-ONE are a band that I hold dear to my heart. Not only were they the very first band I interviewed for this site, they were also a band that represented exactly what Dose of Metal is about. We at DoM always said that we wanted to support up and coming metal acts and promote new talented bands, and it’s great to see that one of the first bands we interviewed have been progressing immensely. In the one and a half years since we interviewed DEF-CON-ONE, the band have gone on to play the UK’s metal festival, Bloodstock, have toured extensively, have released a video and finally earlier this year, they released their debut album, Warface.

Once described by myself as sounding like old-school Burn My Eyes era Machine Head, but with a heavy Pantera influence, it’s time to see if DEF-CON-ONE‘s debut lives up to this hype. Make the jump.


Marilyn Manson is so controversial!!!!!!!

Marilyn Manson, Madonna, Eminem, these are some names that used to be controversial back in the 90s (or earlier), but now they’re middle aged and don’t really ‘shock’ anymore, only embarrass themselves.

It’s a sad thing when these semi-havebeens (a word I just invented) still try hard to ‘shock’ the world with their oh so controversial crap, but all they do is make everyone point and laugh. It’s 2012, guys, let it go.

Case in point — Marilyn Manson. Yes, if we were in 1999, chances are some news station somewhere in America would talk about how controversial he is and how parents are gonna boycott his album. Unfortunately it’s not 1999, and people either don’t know who he is, don’t care, or both. So all the bad press he was complaining about to Michael Moore a decade ago is gone. Shouldn’t he be happy about it?

I guess not, cause this is what happened yesterday:

“I just went through the LAX security line with Marilyn Manson. He had “FUCK” scrawled in large letters across the bottom half of his face, with what appeared to be a grease pencil. As we each removed our boots in the security line, he kindly explained that it was not directed at me or anyone else in the airport, but rather at the paparazzi, so that they couldn’t sell any photos of him that they took. He was really apologetic about it, and covered his mouth around young children while apologizing to their parents for exposing their child to profanity.”

Read full thing here.

Well if he was apologetic about it, that makes it okay, right? Check out some photos for yourself: eins, zwei, drei

The plan worked though, because the plan was to make the headlines again and get some oh so shocking photos of himself out there. And it kinda happened, only no one cares. It’s not like he looks like a middle aged dude who passed out at a frat party or anything.

Then he tweeted about it, as you do…

Keep it classy, Brian.

Source: Blabbermouth


Serj has an app

Serj is down with the Apple technology, son. Whaaaat? Wesside!

Apparently he has an app out for the iPhone, iPad and iPod (the hipster gadget trio) called ‘I Am Serj.’ Because he is Serj, and it is his app. Is it an app that sends push notes to your device and sets reminders about the Armenian genocide? Nope, it’s music-related.

You can watch a video of Serj playing with his app after the jump. But I have one question…

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