Tag Archives: 3 Inches Of Blood


Four new music videos

I admit it. I suck at coming up with headlines but “Four new music videos” just perfectly explains what this article is all about.

Personally, I’m not a big fan of music videos. If I wanted to watch a film, I’d watch The Social Network but I don’t watch that film because it would depress me too much, considering this site didn’t make me a millionaire and an asshole yet. Well, maybe I don’t need help with the asshole part. My point is, if I want to listen to music, I do listen to music. I don’t need YouTube for that, unless I want to hear my favorite music in shit quality.

But anyhow, I’m pretty sure there are a lot of people who like music videos, and I’ve already posted about a music video earlier today, so fuck it.

After the jump, you can watch new music videos by Yggdrasil, who I included in my latest Spotlight article yesterday, Impious, the Canadian 3 Inches Of Blood and Detonation. Have fun!


Start the day with some fresh new music

3 Inches of Blood

Now that’s some Lifehacker-like post title [right]? God, I can’t stand Gawker. But my nerd shit aside, there’s some fresh new music you should (or should not) check out.

Well, if you can’t get up, I recommend hitting Korn’s official website, and downloading their new track “Get Up” we’ve covered previously. If you go back to bed and keep the track on, you’ll have to get up and turn it off, so it’s a win-win after all.

Blindside have made a stream available for their new track “Monester on the Radio.” Listen to it right here.

Texas in July, the band that has almost the same name as Scottish rock band Texas, only in July, have a track available for stream as well. You can listen to that one here.

The band Menstruation 3 Inches of Blood also have something new, a tampon video. You can watch that one after the jump.


O Canada, we stand on guard for metal

Sweden, Germany, England and Finland.  Four countries that are known for releasing mega metal acts over the years.  Heck, even the U.S. have produced quality metal.  What about Canada, though?  Besides Strapping Young Lad, you don’t really hear too much Canadian metal.  So, that’s why I’m here!  To provide you with 5 awesome Canuck bands.

Make the jump to see the list.


Weak Recap: The Big Fourth


Welcome to yet another Weak Recap. Last week, Mark did me, so this week I’ll be returning the favor. We’re also taking turns interviewing each other. As usual, we’re looking back at the week’s most important headlines. Why? Because repetition is the mother of all learning. And it’s also a pretty easy way to make another post without being original at all.

Make the jump to get reminded of how awesome we were throughout the week.


Cover your ears, close your eyes

How I looked when I heard that there might be new music by Poison

…It’s headlines time!

Bret Michaels said that one day, Poison might make new music again. What does this mean? When will it happen? Should I be wearing ear plugs at all times, or just when I’m near a radio? This is the music equivalent of walking through a minefield.

Suicide Silence have revealed the title for their upcoming album. It will be called The Black Crown and is expected to feature 2343 breakdowns.

People behind the Grammy Awards have decided to trim down categories. There used to be Best Metal Performance and Best Hard Rock Performance categories, but now we’ll only have… Best Metal/Hard Rock Performance. Genius.

3 Inches of Blood have a new song out, while Five Finger Death Punch have an old member out… Out of the band apparently. Does that make them Four Finger Death Punch now? I’m just kidding, like I know how many people play in that band.

And last but not least, Dose of Metal got more awesome.

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