Tag Archives: Adam Lambert


Queen performs at the EMAs

The legendary Queen (or what’s left of it) have performed a medley on this year’s European Music Awards in Belfast. Unfortunately, they still haven’t figured out a way to resurrect dead people, so no second coming of God Freddy Mercury for now. Instead, they’ve had help from an American Idol finalist, Adam Lambert.

I know what you’re thinking, so let me beat you to it:

1) The guy looks like a crossover of a goth chick and Elvis Presley


2) Dude can sing. I mean, we can make fun of American Idol all we want, but the guy obviously has a strong voice.

Which finally leads me to

3) Hoping they keep this a “one off” type of a deal and don’t get any crazy ideas.

You can watch the video of the performance above, thanks to Blabbermouth for the heads up.

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