Tag Archives: Black Sabbath


Black Sabbath press conference

Ok, s0 I’v tAlkd a lot aboit the Sabbathg reuinion today, but why stop nowe righyt? A short clip od the press confrence casn be viewed abovfe.

Apologies, I was writing the above sentence with just one hand… I’m also joining the Official Sabbath page in misspelling words (look at their spelling of “conference”).

Just press play above to watch a short clip from the press conference. For more information you can also check out Blabbermouth.


Black Sabbath are back – and here’s why you need to be excited (Part 2)

I originally posted the above video in the comments section of my last post (click), but I couldn’t help but think it was worthy of its own post. Just look at that performance. Even Ozzy has some energy in him. More than me actually, and I’m young enough to be his great, great, great grandson.

If you still think this Black Sabbath reformation is nothing to be excited about, or the band don’t have it left in them to still perform, you are wrong.


Black Sabbath are back – and here’s why you need to be excited

11-11-11, it doesn’t matter whether you’re European, whether you’re American, or if you’re from Mars (Where the average American thinks Europe is), that date format should be correct to all around the universe. It is known as the day when the greatest Metal band of all time, its creators, Black Sabbath announced they are to reform.

Now, I am aware of the following things:

1. “The band have reunited with Ozzy in 1997 and continued to 2006 without releasing any new music.”

2. “Even if they did release new material, it will suck”

3. “I saw the band in 2004 and they sucked”.

4. “Ozzy is pretty much dead and probably being controlled by Sharon with a remote control. He even needs a Teleprompter”

But here’s the thing… The band could have easily NOT have reformed before sadly, one by one, members pass away. This could be your last time to see the band, and speaking as someone who hasn’t, I want this opportunity and so should you. It’s a world tour, so where ever you are, go see the band!

Next, Sabbath plan to finally release a new album. I know things fell through last time, but hopefully this time it’ll be different. Look, it’s 2011 and we KEEP being reminded how records supposedly “don’t sell anymore”. It’s being drummed into us on a daily basis. Bands reform and they go on as a nostalgia act touring big festivals and odd shows in order to make a buck (see Faith No More, Rage Against the Machine etc). This is different, the band seem to still have that fire inside of them and that desire to continue making music. Frankly, I don’t care if it’s not their best, but a brand new Sabbath album in 2012 or 2013, or whatever, amongst the Lady Gagas and Keishas of this shitty time in music, is an astonishing thing.

If you’re not excited for this reunion, you know where the X is 😉


Detective Mark to the rescue

I’ve never had my name in a title before, but now seems like the right time.

Before I embark on my epic post, please note that in the last week or two, I have been very isolated from the internet and general metal boards (not porn boards though, I’m always all over those), so I have no idea whether fans have already been discussing this already or not. However…

Today is the day that Black Sabbath have hinted they will make an announcement. If you have viewed their official site or Facebook page, no doubt you will have already seen the image highlighting the date 11-11-11. Today also happens to be the day that the UK’s Download festival will make an announcement (the festival is also celebrating its tenth anniversary).

Can you see where this going?… Today Download will announce that Black Sabbath will be headlining the festival next year (along with Metallica who are already confirmed). This will coincide with Black Sabbath‘s announcement that the original lineup has reformed.

Am I freaking genius or what? Ok, so it’s all pretty damn obvious already, but let me have my moment will you? If I’m wrong, I’ll eat my willy.

Stay tuned for the same post in roughly 5 hours and 20 minutes time, only it’ll be “official”.


Tony Iommi will score a horror film

A few years ago, Tony Iommi and Next Films sighed some papers together for a horror movie named “Black Sabbath.” Guess who’s writing the score…

[I will] either [be] redoing some of the Sabbath stuff in more of a different vein, maybe, and [writing] some new stuff. So it’s open. We haven’t actually gotten to the movie part yet where I can say, ‘Oh, I can see this bit on this.’ And that’s another interesting project for me to have a go out. I like a little bit of a challenge. I might be really crap at it, I don’t know.

Read full article here.

Not the biggest fan of horror movies, but fuck it, I’ll watch this when/if it comes out.

I’m pumped for the reunion, too.

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