Tag Archives: BlackGates


Dan Nelson is a busy man

Dan Nelson (pictured above with his Blackgates bandmates) is hard at work. Here’s a little overview of what he’s been up to lately:

  • Blackgates released their first song ‘Seeds Of War’ (listen to the song below) on their official Reverbnation site and are going to release a second song next saturday. Stay updated on Facebook.

  • After a reunion concert last saturday in New York City (videos after the jump), Inside Hollow, with Nelson on vocals, decided to get back together as a full-time band. You can listen to their album from 2005, called ‘The Lazarus Pit,’ on their MySpace page. Take it from me, it’s awesome!
  • Farewell to Washington, Dan’s third band, are on a break for now with their two additional bandmembers being busy with work and personal related stuff.

Now, make the jump for the live videos of the above mentioned Inside Hollow reunion gig.


Interview: Dan Nelson

I’ve been a fan of Anthrax for a long time now and I supported them even after dumping bandmember after bandmember, but, like many others, I just got sick of the band handling their business that poorly after a while.

I’ve seen them live in 2009 when Dan Nelson was still in the band and he blew me away. Great stage presence, great vocals, the guy was a beast on that very day, so I looked forward to the upcoming album ‘Worship Music,’ but everyone knows what happened next.

Dan Nelson is not with Anthrax anymore but he’s still working hard and soon we’ll all be able to hear him do what he does best: sing like a motherfucker. But first, he gave an interview to your favorite website, Dose of Metal. Read it after the jump.

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