Tag Archives: Bret Michaels


White Headlines

White Wizzard (pictured above) covered “We Rock” and then offered it for free download. You can get it here, but be warned, you have to sign up with your email. It’s a trick. Don’t do it!!!

The clown from Slipknot went to Sirius for an interview. Did he wear his stupid mask? Of course he did. Anyways, he pretty much says the band is moving forward without Paul (shocking, I know) and other stuff I didn’t really pay attention to cause I’m drawing tits in Photoshop. Watch the video after the jump.

“Married to Rock” is a new reality series that follows the lives of three “rock star wives.” These chicks are married to members of Velvet Revolver and Jane’s Addiction, so my question is, what rockers are they talking about?

Bret Michaels was on Ellen to talk about… wait for it… his ‘health.’ Didn’t see that one coming, did you? Watch the video after the jump if you still haven’t gotten sick of his ramblings about his stroke like the rest of us.


Bret Michaels hates attention

Bret Michaels has a million love shows and whores himself out in many, many ways. But that still doesn’t sell records or tickets. It’s not fair, but it’s okay, he keeps trying and trying to win us over, cause he’s a winner.

He graces the cover of October’s issue of Billboard magazine, but we’re not sure if it’s a piece on him or on Photoshop in general because there’s so much airbrushing in there to make any Photoshop tutorial site jealous.

Expect more talk about his health issues, minus his premature male pattern baldness.

We believe obesity is a cause for concern, so we’re doing our part. Make the jump and see the cover in all its glory


Bret Michaels needs money

The reasons behind Bret Michaels appearance on a new VH1 show, Rock of Love Boat (click) have been revealed.

Apparently his music career is dead and he can’t even give away tickets to his shows.  Because of this, some show in Washington last week was cancelled.  Damn, lucky guys.

One spokesperson commented “We heard a lot of people talking about it, but people just didn’t buy tickets.”

So all you fans better make sure you watch his, no doubt to be amazing, Rock of love boat show, if you want to save his career.

My advice though is don’t.

In other news, apparently the once famous has-been has taken to advertising deoderant, as can be seen from the above picture.

Read:  Here.


Bret Michaels – Love Guru

Celebrity Apprentice Bret Michaels will be the LOVE GURU on some new, corny reality show entitled “Rock of Love Boat” or something.

But wait, there’s more! He’s also having another reality show on VH1 and a new album out. Wowza.

While we’re on the subject, Wigs.com just had a redesign.

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