Tag Archives: Guns N Roses


Consequences will never be the same

The internet trolls have dun goofed and Bumblefoot isn’t gonna let them get away with it. He’s obviously part of CTU or something because he knows his shit. IP scrambler? High tech shit, my man…

Some trolls tried to get attention by starting rumors, as they had seen others get. I called a few out on it personally, smacked ’em down and their panties are still all bunched up over it, so they’ve been going to different GN’R fan sites, they create an account with an IP scrambler, post these fake stories, and then disappear.

Read full statement here.

Sounds like a job for the Cyberpolice. All Bumblefoot has to do is backtrace it.

If you didn’t get it, these are all puns from an older viral video of a guy taking the internet seriously in a similar fashion.


Slash and Axl sitting in a tree…

Is Slash trying to get back in Guns N’ Roses? Cause it sure looks like it.

We may have had our differences and this and that and the other, but I will never undermine the fact that I thought Guns N’ Roses, when it was originally together, was one of the best rock bands, and Axl has always in my mind been one of the best frontmen/lyricists in rock and roll, period. […] I had a Top 5, Axl would be in there. And John Lennon

Read full interview here.

O RLY?? Wasn’t Slash hating Axl‘s guts a few years ago, now he’s giving him compliments left and right? Is he trying to get back into GNR, cause it sure looks this way, from where I’m standing. Granted, I’m currently sitting on the toilet, so I’m not technically standing, but you know what I mean.


DJ N’ Chats

Ever wanted to chat to DJ Ashba?

Right now 99% of you reading this post will be thinking “who?..”

If you’re one of those 99% of people, congratulations, you’re officially as cool as me, and 99.9% of people in the world. If you know the answer, you probably like bands consisting of ginger egomaniacs and puppets a little too much, but I won’t judge you for it. I’m all for equality, because people with bad taste have rights too.

Anyways, DJ Ashba is the “Guns N’ Roses” guitarist. Well, he’s the GNR guitarist to Axl Rose and about 10 other people (which coincidently is about the same number of people that are in GNR these days). To everyone else, he’s “who?…”

Oh right, the chat right? You thought I’d just ranted for a whole post and forgot the actual story didn’t you? Well, forgotten, no. It’s more that I actually couldn’t care less. You really want to know the details though don’t you? Click here then.


GNR bassist goes solo

Alleged Guns N’ Roses bassist, Tommy Stinson (Also Known as; who is that guy, and what has he done with Duff Mckagan?) has announced some solo dates.

Because everyone always wants to see the bassist go solo, right? This is quite interesting GNR, but unfortunately it just doesn’t compete with Slipknot’s DJ going solo. Now that’s the kind of interesting shit we want to hear.

One Man Mutiny, a brand new track from Tommy Stinson, is available for free download on his official web site. I’m going to assume he doesn’t just play bass then? Because that would be rather boring… I would download the song to find out, but I have a data limit, and if it’s a choice between pr0n and a Tommy Stinson solo song, then pr0n wins I’m afraid.

The dates can be found after the jump. Do youself a favor, and don’t bother looking.


Duff McKagan blows

Duff McKagan

Quite literally so. Apparently the former Guns N’ Roses bass player underwent a successful sinus surgery on December 14, which was due to his heavy cocaine use and consequential sinus damage received back in the day his former band was rich enough to buy drugs.

Luckily (for his health), Velvet Revolver can’t afford to get high, but he did admit that he probably snorted his body weight in cocaine before he became sober (which was 14 years ago). Ah, the good old, snort your body weight game… Don’t know how it’s played? 1) Get in a band; 2) Make money; 3) Spend as much time as you can snorting cocaine; 4) Make some mediocre music in the meantime which will secure you more money for drug use 5) As you go on, you lose your body weight, which makes it easier to beat the game; and finally, 6) Leave Guns N’ Roses, or optionally, write a book on how you beat your addiction and blame your bandmates and the evil rock n’ roll lifestyle for becoming a junkie.

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