Tag Archives: Invocation


Pay what you want for Invocation’s debut EP


I love when bands do things like these. No, this is not about an all girl thrash metal band with a passion for small dicks and they didn’t just invite me to be their roadie. Invocation, a djenty band from UK, have just released their debut EP (available through Bandcamp), and they are offering it on a “pay what you want” basis.

I’m not really in the mood for long rants about the music industry, but this is pretty much the future of (self) publishing. It’s great for you as well. I mean, really, I know some people don’t have lots of money, and buying a piece of plastic for $16 really seems a lot when you compare it to the alternatives (like, you know, getting it for free on torrent sites or whatever), so if you have a problem with this model, you’re simply a douschebag. I mean seriously, if you like their music (and you can check out the stream below) and feel like owning it, at least buy them a cup of coffee.

You can download the EP on their Bandcamp page, or you can stream it below.

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