Tag Archives: Iron Maiden


Free Iron Maiden tracks

Amazing news Maiden fans, in celebration of the forthcoming From Fear To Eternity: The Best Of 1990-2010 collection nearing release, Iron Maiden are giving you away two awesome tracks absolutely free…

It just so happens that those two tracks happen to be songs we’ve all got already. Iron Maiden also know their shit, and like a lot of bands you have to do some lame connecting/liking crap via Facebook and Twitter to get the tracks. Oh yes, please do make me go through 10 minutes of bullshit Facebook spamming crap in order to download a song I’ve already had for the past 4 million years. Thank you Maiden.

Me cynical? Naaaah.

If you’re 10 years old and have yet to discover the awesomeness that is Iron Maiden, get your free tracks here.


Lady Gaga “gets” metal

At least you saw a but, you can skip the article now.

When it comes to Lady Gaga, we’re divided over here at Dose of Metal camp. Some of us don’t like her, while some of us don’t like her and want to see her mouth sewn shut. I’m in the second group. If you don’t recall, lately she’s been blabbing about Iron Maiden whenever she gets the chance, and I don’t mind that. But today, I stumbled upon an article on Metal Hammer’s website, where the editor praises her for “getting” metal. She goes on about being in a box at their concert, and suddenly deciding to think outside of the box (excuse the lame pun) and getting into the crowd. To quote:

“We were dancing and singing and everyone was just so into it,” Gaga continues. “And it was one of the first times I’ve been able to just be at a rock concert in a long time. People did recognize me, but it was so kind and warm and awesome. I mean, Iron Maiden is all about, ‘We don’t care who our fans are. We love everybody.’ ”

“And not only that, but when we got into the crowd, there was no pretension. I’m a pop singer — I didn’t know what it would be like in a crowd of a Maiden fans; everybody was hugging me, high-fiving, fistpumps in the air… ‘Oh, it’s so cool you’re at Maiden.’ Jumping and dancing…I mean, it was like absolute no judgment, no prejudice, freedom and love for music. It doesn’t matter who you are; you don’t need to know anything about music to love it. And it was just so… It was just awesome… Maiden changed my life.”

Okay… Why was this so shocking to her? What did she expect, that people would beat her to death? If it came down to that, metalheads would long be extinct because of all the (verbal) fighting that goes inside those circles (well, mostly verbal). Except that, if you are actually normal, you leave the basement virgin type arguments at home, on this site, or wherever the hell you spend your time when you’re not masturbating, while you listen to whatever the hell you want to listen to. In my 25 years of life, I’ve yet to find a metalhead that didn’t enjoy at least some other music besides it. If you happen to know somebody that actually fits that description, feel free to call them a tool. And if you’re wondering “OMG has Dose of Metal gone soft?” the answer is – obviously yes, because I just wrote an article about Lady Gaga. And I’m still more metal than you. Fuck off.

The moral of this story: I have no clue. I just dislike her music, and find her theatrics incredibly annoying. But of course if we were at a show together, I’d treat her the same way I treat every other human being, metalhead or not: if they’re female, think about what their boobs look like, if they’re male, wonder if their dick is bigger than mine. Lady Gaga’s in the second group.


Ed Force One sold out

Iron Maiden’s plane, Ed Force One, is being used for mortals too. That’s right, it’s not just metal legends being flown around in it. Apparently when the band isn’t using it, this baby is flying normal people who can’t play instruments or write metal anthems. Sounds like blasphemy to me.

The plane is regularly used for commercial flights when not in use by Iron Maiden, but usually the band’s distinctive livery is removed first. It is owned by Gatwick-based company Astreaus airline, which counts Maiden frontman Bruce Dickinson as one of its pilots, and first leased the Boeing 757-200 to the band for their Somewhere Back In Time tour in 2007.

Read full article here.

I’m not gonna lie to you, I wouldn’t mind flying in that thing. I wouldn’t mind having Bruce as a pilot, either. Maybe there’s a business venture in there somewhere. I already have the slogan: “Up the irons… Literally!”

I should be in fucking Harvard Business School or something.


Friday Top 10: Best album covers

It’s Friday and therefore it’s time for another Top 10 list. We’ve done worst album covers in November and most brutal album covers last week, but somehow we’ve never done best album covers. So, I guess it’s about fucking time.

Before we dive right into it, I want to let you know that, despite labeling it one of my favorite album artworks, I won’t include Slayer’s ‘Christ Illusion’ for the simple reason that I want a fresh Top 10.

Feel free to make the jump now… or die trying!


Some facts for Sunday

Sit down, it’s time for Sunday school. I know what you’re thinking, you’re tired, hungover, dreading the thought of work tomorrow, and what you really want, is to be bombarded with bullshit facts from your favorite Metal site. Well consider it your lucky day then.

Fact #1 – 666 isn’t the number of the beast, 616 is. Wikipedia doesn’t lie kids. So next time you’re singing along to The Number of the Beast by Iron Maiden, make sure you alter the lyrics accordingly. Same applies to Slipknot‘s Heretic Anthem.

Fact #2Korn can change their sound as much as they like, they’re still going to suck.

Fact #3Duff Mckagan isn’t rolling in cash.

Fact #4 – I’m awesome.

Fact #5 Dose of Metal is perhaps the greatest independent Metal site on the whole of the internet. *

That’s it for today, stay tuned to Dose of Metal for more amazing posts like this, and much more.

* N.B. Some of these facts may not be facts in the conventional sense, they are more like lies. Factual lies.

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