Tag Archives: Isis


Isis frontman forms new label

Well fellow Metalheads, if you’re like me (and if you’re reading this site, you probably are), you too will think there is way too much Lady Gaga and Kanye West in this world at the moment. Music is going down the shitter, deeper and deeper. Soon we won’t even have music, we’ll just have a random sample of bleeps and blips (arguably we already do – just look at Nine Inch Nails). Not to worry though, Metal will never die and neither will Rock, because of people like Aaron Turner (ex Isis) will always exist.

The former Isis frontman and Faith Coloccia (Mamiffer) have formed a new label partnership dubbed Sige, with the label’s latest release, Mamiffer‘s “Mare Decendrii”, set for a March 15th release.  In other words, they created a label just to release their own music… But hey, it’s bound to be better than what ever is currently playing on the radio or on your computer screens. Not my computer screen mind, ’cause I’m currently watching Keira Knightley’s sex scene from Atonement on repeat.

As always, if you care, more information can be found by clicking here.

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