Tag Archives: Joey Belladonna


Joey Belladonna is a solo artist first

Joey Belladonna

…A man who has yet to learn what a comb is second, and the singer for Anthrax third.

We would usually go straight to making jokes and predictions of Anthrax losing their singer for the 5th time (in the past year), but we know that since the Big Four is (still) happening, Joey is most likely to stick around for the foreseeable future. He is using the opportunity of the band being busy with side projects to schedule a few solo dates.

It is still unclear if “Wake Me Up Before You Go Go” will make the set list, as requested by Scott Ian.


Frank Sinatra is metal

When you’re listening to Frank Sinatra, have you ever wondered what his songs would sound like if they were metalized? And I’m not talking about the Death Metal parody Ten Masked Men did a few years ago, I’m talking about serious Heavy fucking Metal. Well, fear not! Because there’s a tribute album in the works.

Devin Townsend, Joey Belladonna, Tim “Ripper” Owens and Dee Snider, among others, each recorded a Frank Sinatra song to make it metal and all of this will be released as an album on March 29, called ‘SIN-atra’. Check out the tracklist after the jump.


What to expect from Anthrax's new album

I gave up trying to figure out who’s singing in Anthrax now and even if I knew, it could change at any second anyways so I’m just going with the flow.

This week’s vocalist, apparently Joey Belladonna, talks Anthrax’s new album. You know, the one recorded with a different singer that they’re now redoing? Got a headache yet?

There are new lyrics being done right now and just the overall vocals are going to be brand new. Music-wise, there might not be a lot of recording. Who knows?! Again, it’s open to anything at this point, because you get a whole other shot at everything. But they are really happy with what they have, so there is not a lot of finagling going on

Read full interview here.

So Joey doesn’t sound too sure, either. We’re guessing the band is just using the “rock paper scissors” technique to make decisions, which explains all the uncertainty.


Joey Belladonna thinks Anthrax is a joke

Anthrax's Joey Belladonna

…No, not really, I’m just being sensationalist. He thinks they’re humorous people. Some would say it’s a thin line between the two, but not me. I’ll just say Joey looks like he hasn’t washed his hair since the first time he’s joined Anthrax. Read the entire interview here.


Fired Anthrax singer fires back

Old Anthrax singer, Dan Nelson, has slammed the band for their performance of “new” song, Fight ‘Em ‘Til You Can’t, with new old Anthrax singer, Joey Belladonna. Confused? Yeah we all are when it comes to this band and their singers.

The original version of the song was written and recorded last year, with Dan Nelson on vocals. After he left, or quit, or was fired, the band still used the song, performing it for the “first” time (with Joey) last night (click)

Writing via his Twitter profile guitarist Scott Ian stated about the Uniondale concert, “NY show didn’t disappoint. Craziest pit of the tour! We played new one ‘Fight ‘Em ‘Til You Can’t’ for the first time in the States.”

A short time later, Nelson took to his own Twitter profile to correct Ian, writing:

‘Fight ‘Em ‘Til You Can’t’ for the first time in the States, eh?? Wouldn’t that be at the Double Door in Chicago when we played the song WE ALL wrote together?? I guess Chicago is no longer in the States??”

Videos and screenshots of the tweets stolen borrowed from Blabermouth can be found after the jump.

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