Tag Archives: Kailin


Kailin release Remnants

UK newcomers (and incomers), Kailin have released a new track called ‘Remnants’. Well, they released it nearly a month ago, so it’s not really that new, but I’m not the fastest guy around. Slow and steady wins the race, and all that…

The track has various ‘tags’ on Soundcloud, such as ‘please download this song and we will give head’ So by writing about this song I’m hoping I’m going to be owed a lot more than just head. Hopefully full intercourse? I can only dream. The image above also may not be the current lineup, but luckily they’re so far away, no one will be able to tell.

So is the new track any good? You can press play below and find out for yourselves, but my opinion is pretty damn epic in all honesty, so go ahead and read what I have to say too. The track is heavy and melodic, taking the kind of direction they had with previous track ‘Colours’ and pushing the envelope further. The ambient elements and breakdowns seen in ‘Colours’ are still a feature of ‘Remnants’ and the stark contrast of melodic harmonious instrumentation and aggressive screams make for a stunning combination. If this is a sign of the progress Kailin have made so far, I for one cannot wait to hear what the band come up with next.

The song can be downloaded in a full CD quality WAV file from Soundcloud. I’d download it myself, but that’s 48 megabytes I could be using on porn. Just kidding, I did download it, and now it’s your turn.

Kailin – Remnants by Kailin

Click here to find Kailin on Facebook.


Incoming: Kailin

For fans of: I have no idea – Melodic Death Metal? Hardcore? Experimental Metal?

So, you’re probably wondering who Kailin are right? Actually, you probably aren’t, but you damn well should be! The answer is… Honestly, I have no fucking idea, but these guys somehow managed to make it onto my Facebook ‘like’ list, and after checking out their new song, I’m glad they did.

Hailing from my hometown, Worcester, UK, from a look of the band’s Facebook page, Kailin are a band full of personality and passion for the music they play. They have one demo available at the moment, titled Colours, which you can check out after the jump. The song is very promising, displaying some great diversity (always good to see from new talent). The track shifts from aggressive Metal into some fantastic ambient moments, without losing any of its cohesion or aggression. I definitely look forward to the debut EP/LP/whatever the band decides to release, and you should too.

More info after the jump.

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