Tag Archives: Keith Buckley


No he didn’t!

Keith Buckley (Every Time I Die)

Every Time I Die‘s Keith Buckley has decided to downplay his online social presence. How? By writing War & Piece Pt. 2 on his blog. Seriously dawg, it’s called a paragraph, it wouldn’t kill you to use it every now and then.

I couldn’t read through everything because my eyes started to bleed after a while, but here’s an excerpt:

On January 1st I went dark. I cancelled my Instagram account and while not deleting my Facebook or Twitter entirely, (I’m not crazy, its hard to get verified) I removed the apps from my phone insuring that I wouldn’t be tempted to race to them when inspiration or boredom or apathy struck. I intended to give myself one week. Seven days to wrangle myself from the meretricious carnival that social networking had become, at least amongst those who I volunteered to network with.

I wont name specific names, though I have no doubt that anyone reading this will find the description applicable to a number of acquaintances, and if so, I only hope that you too can muster the strength to put your desire to be happy before your fear of offending and cut them off like the unnecessary appendage that they actually have become.

For most, this is overkill. The majority of those on Twitter or Facebook are probably only giving a cursory glance to a post about someone’s child or a scan of a Polaroid on Flashback Fridays or a tweet to a mutual friend of an inside joke before dismissing them as boring or funny or whatever and then returning to their own lives as it exists in the current moment.

Continue reading on his blog

I could now play smart and throw big words around too (could I?), but I don’t have sand in my vagina. Nor a vagina. Instead, a personal observation, the timeline feature makes Facebook kind of look like Myspace, don’t it?

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