Tag Archives: Kiss


Weak Recap: Yes we can, bitch!

A few months ago, I had a dream. A dream that we could recap our weeks on Sunday without falling in the blog cliche of just making a list of some of our articles. And my creativity and my egomania had sex and came up with the offspring that is The Weak Recap.

Basically we recap the week by interviewing each other. It feeds our egos and it’s letting you know how awesome we’ve been the week before.

So now it’s my turn to interview NFL legend, influential guitarist and all-around amazing metal bloger, Simo. After the jump.


Get ready for the Kiss Kruise. Yes, really.

It may come as a surprise to you, but Kiss like money. They’ve sold everything from drinks, condoms, gnomes, etc… But if you’re anything like me, you’re probably thinking “Well, they haven’t made their own cruise yet!”

Boy, are you in luck:

The first-ever Kiss Kruise: Wet, Wild & Rockin’ is setting sail October 13-17, 2011 from Miami, Florida to Half Moon Cay and Nassau, Bahamas on board the Carnival Destiny. KISS and Sixthman are joining forces to create the wettest, wildest, most rockin’ cruise in the Atlantic.

Kiss will be hosting this ship to bring you music, krazy onboard activities, and Kiss-themed nights.

Read full article here.

Blabbermouth is so excited about this that they wrote the ‘krazy onboard activities’ line twice in their article. They seem pretty calm usually, but if this got them amped up then boy, it must be good. I guess I’ll start throwing money Kiss’ way now and join this thing.

I’ve avoided Kiss’ music in a lot of places… Bars… Festivals… YouTube… I’ve never avoided it on a boat, so this should be fun.


Weak Recap: Hello, we’re metal!

We’re one of the last of a dying breed. We’re the Albert Einstein of brutality, the William Shakespear of violence, the Arnold Schwarzenegger of funny, the Michael Jackson of metal. All these comparisons are way off though… because we’re better than those guys and we’re certainly better than anyone else out there, including you!

We’re so good, we’re interviewing each other. Who needs interviews with musicians, who have been interviewed already thousands of times? No one!

So, you want to know what happened this past week in metal? Make the jump, we’ll teach you a lesson.


Kiss studio footage

In case you haven’t been keeping up with the news, Kiss have official entered the studio to  record the follow up to 2009’s crappy Sonic Boom. Don’t worry though, because this album will apparently totally “leave Sonic Boom in the dust.” I mean, can’t you tell how awesome this album is going to be from the amazing riff being played above?

More information can be found at Blabbermouth.


Tuesday Trivia: What’s in a name

Hello, my name is...

Some people say names aren’t really important – well, they probably don’t share a name with a future Sony gadget (like me) and have normal names. But what if you’re in a metal nu metal rock euro dance band and you’re called Chester Bennington. It doesn’t sound tough now, does it?

Make the jump to read a few stories regarding the issue of having a name (not) fitting to the genre you’ve found yourself in.

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