Tag Archives: Kiss



They earn WHAT?????

Kiss earns a minimum of $500,000 per concert, placing the legndary rock band near the top of the summertime tour earnings list, according to contract records that have been acquired by The Smoking Gun web site.

I’ll be honest, I didn’t even know they played live anymore, much less earn half a mil each night. What the hell? How about you donate some money to us, Gene?

When asked why he still can’t afford a proper haircut, Gene Simmons had no comment.

Source: Blabbermouth


Fact of the Day

Many rockstars and musicians suffer with drug addiction and alcoholism during their careers.  However, not Gene Simmons of Kiss.  Instead, Gene Simmons is apparently addicted to sex, and claims he has slept with more than 5000 women in his lifetime.

Us clever-clogs at Dose of Metal, after much calculation, worked out that this works out at around 5000 minutes Gene could have spent thinking up new ways to sell out write music.

I wonder if he uses those “Kiss Kondoms”… *shudder*

Picture after the jump.


Shocking news: Kiss sells out

Kiss, the band whose make-up expenses are so huge that they constantly need to reinvent themselves in selling out, have appeared in  a commercial for a Swedish gaming operator.

More details on the arrangement that surprised everyone here.

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