Tag Archives: Korn


Some facts for Sunday

Sit down, it’s time for Sunday school. I know what you’re thinking, you’re tired, hungover, dreading the thought of work tomorrow, and what you really want, is to be bombarded with bullshit facts from your favorite Metal site. Well consider it your lucky day then.

Fact #1 – 666 isn’t the number of the beast, 616 is. Wikipedia doesn’t lie kids. So next time you’re singing along to The Number of the Beast by Iron Maiden, make sure you alter the lyrics accordingly. Same applies to Slipknot‘s Heretic Anthem.

Fact #2Korn can change their sound as much as they like, they’re still going to suck.

Fact #3Duff Mckagan isn’t rolling in cash.

Fact #4 – I’m awesome.

Fact #5 Dose of Metal is perhaps the greatest independent Metal site on the whole of the internet. *

That’s it for today, stay tuned to Dose of Metal for more amazing posts like this, and much more.

* N.B. Some of these facts may not be facts in the conventional sense, they are more like lies. Factual lies.


Start the day with some fresh new music

3 Inches of Blood

Now that’s some Lifehacker-like post title [right]? God, I can’t stand Gawker. But my nerd shit aside, there’s some fresh new music you should (or should not) check out.

Well, if you can’t get up, I recommend hitting Korn’s official website, and downloading their new track “Get Up” we’ve covered previously. If you go back to bed and keep the track on, you’ll have to get up and turn it off, so it’s a win-win after all.

Blindside have made a stream available for their new track “Monester on the Radio.” Listen to it right here.

Texas in July, the band that has almost the same name as Scottish rock band Texas, only in July, have a track available for stream as well. You can listen to that one here.

The band Menstruation 3 Inches of Blood also have something new, a tampon video. You can watch that one after the jump.


Ewww new Korn…

Korn are apparently streaming a new song, of some upcoming EP or some crap but let me tell you right now (RIGHT NOW!), I don’t give a crap and I did not and will not listen to it. I’m posting about it because some of you (shame on you) might be interested in it.

I honestly just want these guys to go away. It even pains me to see krap like this posted on a serious (we mean business, boooi!) metal website but I’ll just have to go through that for you guys. I’m taking this one for the team.

Click this and your ears will start bleeding. I’ve warned you.


Tuesday Trivia: The most listened to metal band ever


First of all, iPods don’t have any commercials with metalheads, so blame Apple, not me. Anyway, in his Weak Recap a few weeks back, Guido joked stated that we are super-awesome. Something like the super-heroes of metal. And no, not that Kiss movie… Lulz.

He was right, though — we’re all-knowing, and tonight only, I’m dropping knowledge and revealing the metal’s best kept secret – which metal band is the most played one ever. Hurry, make the jump.


Metal goes acoustic 3

So back we are again, here for another dose of Metal goes acoustic. The last couple of times I’ve treated you to some Machine Head covers, so I’m going to change things up a little this time.

For the third edition, I’m presenting a beautiful female sang, acoustic, rendition of Korn‘s ADIDAS. This version is absolutely amazing, from the slowly strung guitar chords, to the young girl’s fantastic vocals. Just tell me you can’t hear the true emotion in her voice as she sings the words “all day I dream about fucking.” It’s like Katy Perry song, with the song transformed into a Pop classic, but with some truly thought proving lyrics that you don’t expect from the Pop genre.

Overall, I would love to rate this cover, but there isn’t a single rating system that would fairly access the song’s brilliance.

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