Tag Archives: Lamb Of God


Is Randy Blythe guilty?

The question everyone’s been asking since June is this: Is Randy Blythe really guilty? Well, let’s look at the facts:

Fact 1: I wasn’t there, so I don’t know.
Fact 2: You weren’t there, so you don’t know either.
Fact 3: You’re not a lawyer, so shut the fuck up.

I feel really sorry for both Randy and the fan who got killed, because this is unfortunate and no one wanted this to happen. But why are people everywhere throwing verdicts around? How do they know?

Here’s something very basic you need to understand about killing someone: If you start shoving your friend as a joke, and then at one point you push him harder, he falls down, hits his head and dies, you’re fucked. Sure, it’s not as bad as purposely killing a man, but it’s still involuntary manslaughter, and you’re still going to jail.

So you don’t have to be a cold-blooded murderer to be responsible for someone’s death, you just have to be really unlucky. So in Randy’s case, I have no idea what happened and if he’s responsible in any way, but some of his fans are just not being realistic about it.

My honest opinion, and this is coming from someone who is not a Lamb of God fan, Randy never intended to hurt anyone. I don’t know the guy, and again, I wasn’t there, but I am sure he just wanted to keep playing and finish his set. Unfortunately, security didn’t kick the kid out the first time he did that crap, so now look what happened.

Here’s what Phil Anselmo had to say on the matter:

I mean, you get on the stage at a metal show, you, nine times out of ten, are pretty much gonna jump off the front of the stage. He hits his head on the ground… I’m no lawyer, I’m no cop, but there’s this thing called ‘free will,’ and when you do something like that, that, to me, is accidental death.

I disagree with Phil, because security should not allow you to get on stage, period. As long as it’s so easy to hurt yourself or hurt anyone else while jumping into the crowd, as cool as it is, don’t do it. If you allow this type of behavior, then eventually bad luck might make an appearance.

It’s all fun and games until someone dies. I’m sorry it happened to Randy, but it could have happened to Pantera back in the early 90s, and it can happen to anyone who lets fans get on their stage and get crazy. The intensity of metal music is what we all love about it, and to share that intensity with the band and the other fans in the pit is great.

But as a musician you should simply be more careful, and ask your security to keep the fans on the floor. It’s also a good idea if you don’t get involved personally, and let security do their job. Just a thought though, again, I wasn’t there. And neither were most people commenting on this matter.

Image credit: Wikipedia
Phil quote credit: Blabbermouth


Is Robb Flynn Bane?

In the comic books, Bane deduces who the real Batman is using nothing but his smarts. Or so I’m told, comic books have way too much text for my taste.

In the real world, Rob Flynn says Randy Blythe is innocent. I don’t know if I misread the article and there was more to it (like, shit I don’t know, proof?) or we’re supposed to take his word for it. I bet Randy wishes he could do the same with the Czech legal system.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t personally think Randy’s really guilty, and I can only imagine what a hell it must be to be stuck in an Eastern Europe (I’ve been trying to get out for the past 26 years), but seriously dudes, going around saying he’s innocent without anything to back it up is like praying to fight cancer.

Massive spoilers: cancer won.


Lamb of God, killing it live

Killer live show. Love this vid.


Lamb of God cracks US Top 5 [updated]

OMG you guise, Lamb of God totally sold out. I remember the good old days when I used to listen to them and nobody knew who they were. I feel so betrayed. The Top 5 is a place for Ke$ha, not metal! Metal is meant to stay underground! DEATH TO FALSE METAL!!!!1! Video related.

On a serious, and very fucking awesome note, Lamb of God did in fact manage to crack the US Top 5, selling 52.000 copies in the first week. Great job guys, wish you sell plenty more!

And on another, dead serious note, I think the mashup above is fucking awesome.

Update: Randy Blythe expressed his thoughts and thanks regarding the album sales on Twitter, and I compiled it into a somewhat more readable form. Read it after the jump!


Listen to Lamb of God’s Resolution

Lamb of God‘s Resolution is out today, and you can listen to a stream of it now on AOL.com. Actually, you could also do it yesterday, but I kinda forgot to post about it. Oops, I did it again.

Speaking of doing things again, the clip above is their video for Ghost Walking.

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