Tag Archives: Living Sacrifice


Dose of Sunday Roast

Some of you regular readers may remember my Dose for Sunday article I posted a few weeks back, and today I’m doing something similar, but a little different. Imagine, if you will, it’s Sunday (doesn’t take much imagination, it IS Sunday), and your dear old Grandma is coming ’round for Sunday Roast. The only problem is, she’s a deeply religious woman that thinks all Metal music is the work of the devil and she wants to listen to some crappy Christian hymns that no one below the age of 50 can tolerate. It’s time for a compromise. Slap on some Christian Metal and she will love it*

Now don’t worry, I don’t have any agenda and I’m not trying to sell you any religious views. You also won’t find any P.O.D. crap in this article. This is just all about me recommending you some decent new music to check out, all whilst slapping on some lame gimmick to make it sound more interesting than it really is. So get your Sunday dosage after the jump.

*Disclaimer – may not actually be true. But don’t worry, if it’s not, just tell her it’s your f’ing house.


Dose for Sunday

So, today is Sunday, ‘the day of rest,’ God day if you will, but to me, and many others, Sundays just plain suck. It’s the day you do nothing, just waiting for Monday to come when you have to go back to work, to work a job you hate in order to buy the crap you don’t need.

Have you been to church? No? Well good, fuck that, and welcome to Metal church. Here’s just 5 songs to get you in a better mood, ready for work tomorrow. Check out my 5 songs after the jump.


A Living Christmas

Do you like Metal? Do you like Christmas? Are you from the USA? If so, why not check out Solidstate’s A Very Metal Christmas Tour, with a headlining slot from Living Sacrifice.  The tour will have support from The ShowdownBecoming the Archetype, To Speak Of Wolves and As They Sleep.

So, if you’re not one of those grumpy bastards (like me) that hates seeing any mention of Christmas prior to December, and therefore are still reading this, get your ass to one of the shows.

Tour dates, after the jump.

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