Tag Archives: Machine Head


Weak Recap: Simo’s back!

You guys remember Simo, right? He took a two-month break from the interwebz, to see if this ‘real life’ thing is as good as people say it is. Once he realized talking to a girl in real life is not as easy as on Facebook, he came back. With a vengeance.

Okay, so maybe not with a vengeance, but he came back. And now I get to interview him, which is not an honor and a privilege.

We’ll talk about a lot of things, a lot of boring things, so I’m not gonna lie to you… It will be a pretty boring article, so don’t bother reading this further. It will only make you waste a lot of valuable time.

But if you’ve got nothing better to do, make the jump and read what two people who rarely get laid (and when they do, it ends in tears) have to say about this past week’s articles.

Enjoy! (you won’t, trust me, but I like being optimistic)


Friday Top 10: Best Machine Head songs

First thing’s first, let me tell you something: Compiling this list has been an absolute shitcunt. I’m pretty sure I may have just offended more than a few people with that language, but hey, if you’re reading Dose of Metal you’ve probably come to expect poor language and poor writing. If you are offended, you may just want to remove that sand from your vagina before it starts to itch too much. That’s a number one health tip from Doctor Mark (I’m not really a doctor though, I’m barely even a person, so please don’t sue me).

But back to business, as I was saying, writing this week’s Top 10 has been pretty damn hard. Apart from my inability to construct a concise sentence (number one tip BTW, don’t begin a sentence with the word ‘but’) and put those things together that form words (letters maybe?), I’ve also struggled to keep this list to just 10 songs. Machine Head have a lot of kick ass, awesome tracks that really should have made the cut, but I simply couldn’t include due to having to fit it into one Top 10 list.

So anyways, make the jump, read the Top 10 and then go bitch about what an idiot I am for failing to mention [insert song] from [insert album] that “sooooo should have made the list!”


Machine Head reveal new album artwork

The point of news is generally that it is new, but in this instance the news isn’t really all that new. Unfortunately, Machine Head did release the artwork for their new album a few hours ago, but I was too busy masturabting getting laid, to really pay attention.

So in case you hadn’t heard, and presuming you care, Machine Head will release their new album, Unto The Locust, on September 27 via their label, Roadrunner Records. The album cover can be found above, albeit cropped, or in full after the jump. Or you could just click over to Blabbermouth who have a whole fucking essay written out on the album.


Blast from the Past: Machine Head – Burn My Eyes

The question has been uttered more than few times; if Machine Head‘s 1994 debut had been released in the the 8o’s would it have been so highly acclaimed? Or is its release coming years after the apparent decline in popularity of thrash, its reasoning for being a so called “landmark” record?

Now, 17 years later, and with another Machine Head album on the horizon, it seems like the perfect time to look back on Burn My Eyes, to acknowledge its success and evaluate whether its stood the test of time and if it really is the classic so many claim it to be.

Make the jump to read the review.


Robb Flynn thinks upcoming Machine Head album sucks

No, he doesn’t. But wouldn’t it be refreshing to hear a musician badmouth their own upcoming product? Of course, Robb Flynn is “really proud of what we [Machine Head] were able to accomplish on the record [Unto The Locust].”

That’s really boring now, isn’t it? So let’s pretend we’re in bizarro world and everything’s different to what it’s like in this world. Here is what Robb Flynn recently really said in an interview with Knac.com:

“I was thinking, “You know, I’ve been singing fifteen years now. I’m not going to start taking lessons now. Who do I look like? James Hetfield?” I have never taken lessons before and I never warm-up either. I basically hurt my voice on purpose. You’ve got to destroy your voice if you want to be metal. Also, I’d never even think about taking classical guitar lessons. I’m Robb fucking Flynn. My playing is already perfect. That would usually show on the record but it doesn’t. I just drank fifteen bottles of whiskey daily and that definitely shows on the record. Don’t buy Unto The Locust when it drops. I’m really ashamed of what we’ve done on the record.”

Obviously in this world, Flynn didn’t say that. You can either go and read the real interview or stay with me in bizarro world. It’s up to you.

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