Tag Archives: Marilyn Manson


Friday Top 10: Worst band transformations, part 2

Another Friday, another Top 10. Except this one is the same as the last one.

Well, kind of. Continuing from last time, we take a look at ten more examples of band transformations we could have lived without. Note that the list is not really in a particular order, and then make the jump.


God hates Australia

I don’t really believe in God, but it’s okay if you do (even though you’re wrong and gullible!). But if there is a God (hypothetically speaking, Dave), he clearly hates Australia, how else would you explain the terrible tragedy that is about to happen to them in 2012?

“Soundwave Festival 2012” is taking place around late February, and here are some of the bands confirmed: System of a Down, Slipknot, Limp Bizkit, Marilyn Manson, Lostprophets, and Hole (lol wtf?). I know, right?

God also hates Aussie metalheads, because Machine Head, Mastodon and other decent bands are playing, so metalheads will have to swallow their pride and buy a ticket with Limp Bizkit‘s name on it, just to see those bands. Terrible.

Tickets go on sale October 20 at 9 AM, so you know when NOT to buy them. The official site is here: do not click this.

It’s really sick to see what’s happening to Australia, an otherwise cool and peaceful country. Sorry, guys.


Marilyn Manson and The Beef made a video

Marilyn Manson

I just read this article on MetalSucks, and while I usually stay away from cross posting things of theirs because they already reek with sarcasm and insults, I just had to mention this here because I somehow completely missed this: Marilyn Manson is making a “making of” documentary about his new album, the director of which is none other than Shia “The Beef” LeBeouf. It’s called Born Villain, it’s apparently already been made, and it also covers the LA street art scene. Hahaha. I mean seriously, what the hell. Read the original article (linked at the beginning of the post, too lazy to do it again) for some quality MetalSucks commentary, I’m too busy laughing myself.

What they didn’t cover however, is that there is already a music video/short film out for the appropriately titled-song, Born Villain. That’s what you have Dose of Metal and me for, for accidentally finding additional shit and making this post more legit. I actually couldn’t make it to the end of the video. It’s so shocking. Shockingly bad. I mean, it’s the typical pseudo-artistic crap you’d expect a directorial debut would be (and not half as fun as the Ace4Trays video we covered yesterday), and saying the song is forgettable would be a compliment, it’s remarkable just how lame it is. See it after the jump.


Tuesday Trivia: Metal games


Hey, what’s your favorite metal game? Mine include:

  • moshing with metal attachements on my boots
  • throwing a glass beer bottle at a concert behind me and seeing how many people bleed
  • kicking a wigger

I’m kidding of course. Except maybe for the last one. The games we’ll be covering today have nothing to do with concerts. In fact, they’re my favorite games — the ones that don’t make you leave the house. Make the jump and get familiar with some of the heavy metal video games.


Marilyn Manson is alive (?)

Remember back in the day when Marilyn Manson made music first, shitty pseudo-philosophical commentary on celebrities and whatever second (oh, celebritarianism, remember that shit?). Well, every now and then, he decides to take a band member back (Twiggy), kick another out (Ginger) and make a song here and there. Mostly, it’s redundant, and we wish it didn’t happen (*cough* last two albums *cough*), but for one reason or another, he won’t give up. So, today, we got another tidbit of his artistic expression. Meaning, a 30 second clip of his first new song since The High End of Low. The clip is called I Am Among No One (though that is not the actual name of the song), and you try to figure out what the artist wanted to say.

And what’s it like? Well, I wish I could tell, because the clip is mostly interrupted by what I believe is Trent Reznor jacking his dick off with his laptop, while ProTools is turned on. The parts which we can hear actually sound okay-ish. The real question is, does anyone still give a shit about an okay Marilyn Manson track in 2011? In my opinion, he needs to reinvent music for anyone to care.

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