Tag Archives: Mark Rants


Dose of Hardcore

So this week, I shall be giving you a nice dosage of Hardcore. No, I’m not talking about Hardcore pr0n, although I must admit, do like my fair share of that. Yeah I know what you’re thinking, but I’m no sexist. I love sex and I love women. Hence my taste for pr0n and the image above.

So what Harcore am I talking about? Well the music of course. Not Hardcore Trance (is there anything lamer?), but the genre of music that formed from the emerging Hardcore Punk bands of the 80’s to aggressive Hardcore bands of the 90s, to the Metalcore acts of the 2000s.

It’s a controversial genre, especially in Metal circles, but this week I shall be offering you 5 tracks that not only shaped the Harcore genre, but that are also damn awesome songs.

Get your Hardcore dose after the jump my friends.


Dose for Sunday

So, today is Sunday, ‘the day of rest,’ God day if you will, but to me, and many others, Sundays just plain suck. It’s the day you do nothing, just waiting for Monday to come when you have to go back to work, to work a job you hate in order to buy the crap you don’t need.

Have you been to church? No? Well good, fuck that, and welcome to Metal church. Here’s just 5 songs to get you in a better mood, ready for work tomorrow. Check out my 5 songs after the jump.


Friday Top 10: Worst albums of 2010

So, it’s another week and another awesome dose of our Friday Top 10 for you. Yes, it’s true, whilst everyone else is out getting laid, getting drunk and preparing for an awesome weekend, we’re here slaving away to provide you a Friday Top 10, in order to help make your weekend that bit more awesome. Aren’t we awesome? Yes, we are. Thank you for telling us.

And what do we have for you this week? Well, as 2010 has come to its end and we are now celebrating the start of 2011, what better way to celebrate, then have a good old bitch about the crappy parts of 2010? And that’s exactly what we’ll be doing. This week, we look back at the 10 worst albums of 2010. Enjoy reading after the jump mofos.


2011: The albums to watch out for (Pt. 2)

Hello and welcome to part 2 of my 2011: The albums to watch out for feature. I know, I know, not a very catchy name is it? But in my defence, I haven’t stopped drinking since Christmas Eve and I’m pretty sure I’ve now killed all but one of my remaining brain cells.

If you haven’t read part one yet, why not? Go do it now. And then come back and read part 2 after the jump.


2011: The albums to watch out for (Pt. 1)

So as 2010 comes to an end, we all forget the mistakes of the past year, the dodgy synth driven pop albums of aged Nu-Metal acts, the mediocre drivel released by once good bands,  and now look forwards to the promised releases of the forthcoming year. Will the albums be as brilliant as promised, or will they flop quicker than my penis after I see Lady Gaga on TV? Time will tell.

So which albums should you watch out for in 2011? Read on after the jump to find out.

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