Tag Archives: Marty Friedman


Marty Friedman has a job. No, not at Mickey D’s

Marty Friedman lives in Japan now, because apparently it’s easy to get laid there if you’re white, so no further explanation needed.

But aside from bringing the luckus to the radies (oh snap! racism!111), he’s also behind the number one album in the country — called ‘Gift of Smap.’

You’re probably wondering what Smap means. Well, apparently it’s a pop group.

The song is ‘LA+Love And Peace’. I have played guitar on a few No. 1s before, but this is my first songwriting No. 1 anywhere! The lyrics were written by Satomi, who wrote the fantastic ‘Yuki No Hana’, which I covered on my first ‘Tokyo Jukebox’ album.

Explained Friedman, even though no one asked him to.

There is so much WTF coming from Japan, it’s not even funny. At least Marty has a job, right?


Plains of… Oblivion?


Jeff Loomis just released his second solo effort (well, that depends upon what your definition of “just” is). As it features a few friends of his, such as Attila Voros, Tony Macalpine, Chris Poland and one Marty Friedman, I think it’s worth a listen. Or two.


Marty Friedman likes anime

Well, not really, at least, I don’t know if he really likes anime specifically, but it seems he’s in another Japanese movie. I bet he’s the type of guy who says “Kon’nichiwa” instead of hello and collects Pokemon dolls or something. Ugh.

Former Megadeth guitarist Marty Friedman has just completed filming for the upcoming Japanese movie “Maebashi Visual Kei”. Due in Japan in early 2011, the film was directed by Otsuru Gitan and is described as “a dramatic and moving look inside the trials and tribulations of a fictitious Visual Kei band in Japan.

Full article here.

Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against the Japanese. The same way I have nothing against black people. But there’s something about white guys emulating either Asian or Black culture that just fucking gets to me. I hope Eminem is not reading this though.

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