Tag Archives: Megadeth


David Ellefson talks about his basses

It’s so good to see David back in Megadeth, and fortunately for me, I got a chance to tell this to him directly when I kicked ass in an interview with him (which kicked ass).

Anyway, in the video above, David is talking a bit about his Jackson bass guitars and you should take a look, because it’s Megadeth, and it rules, so you better recognize.

P.S. = Writing this news made me want to listen to some Megadeth, so expect a recommendation soon… I always share my weekend metal routines.


Friday Top 10: Albums of the 90s

So, many of us here at Dose of Metal are in our mid twenties, and we grew up with Metal in the ’90s. It may not go down as the greatest decade in Metal history, but fuck it, I love the ’90s. So many damn good albums came out of that decade, and that’s the purpose of this week’s Friday Top 10.

The list is pretty simple. Two rules: Only one album per band, to keep it varied, and secondly, Metal only, and that’s it. Other than that, I just blew this list out of my ass, because I’m awesome and you should listen to me.

So what are you waiting for? Make the jump for this week’s Friday Top 10.


Dave knows drugs

Dave Mustaine of Megadeth knows a lot about drug addiction. Don’t believe me? See for yourself, jeez, it’s not like I have to prove anything to you…

I know why some people get loaded, because it feels good. Some people get loaded when their teams win, some get loaded when their teams lose, some get loaded when their team’s starting a game, some get loaded when nothing’s even happening, but that’s just a recreational, emotional thing. But when you get to that place when you’re strung out [on heroin], that’s a bitch, because it’s not very gracious. It doesn’t discriminate; it will take anybody down.

Read full article here.

Drugs are bad, mmkay?

Photo credit: Roger Caldwell


Weak Recap: Yes we can, bitch!

A few months ago, I had a dream. A dream that we could recap our weeks on Sunday without falling in the blog cliche of just making a list of some of our articles. And my creativity and my egomania had sex and came up with the offspring that is The Weak Recap.

Basically we recap the week by interviewing each other. It feeds our egos and it’s letting you know how awesome we’ve been the week before.

So now it’s my turn to interview NFL legend, influential guitarist and all-around amazing metal bloger, Simo. After the jump.


Some guy thinks no one has heard of Megadeth

Some guy (Joe Principe) from some band (Rise Against) I’ve heard very little of, was recently asked in an interview whether the band had faced legal action from Dave Mustaine or Megadeth as their new album is also titled Endgame.

His response was “No, he hasn’t. You know what’s funny?! This kind of goes to show you how many people know about the Megadeth record. It’s like no one… One kid said something, ‘Hey, isn’t that a Megadeth title?’ But other than that, no one knows.”

Oh really, Joe? No one knows about Megadeth‘s latest album? Why don’t you come back and say that when Rise Against have sold 150,000 copies in the US with their album titled Endgame? Because that’s how many copies Megadeth have sold with their Endgame and I’m willing to bet that’s a lot more copies than you’ll ever sell. Perhaps it’s just that Rise Against‘s general target audience is 15 year old girls, and that’s why your fans know nothing about Megadeth. Just a hunch…

This isn’t really news, so God knows why Blabbermouth are posting it. Probably to get a rise out of their users. This does beg the question, however, why am I posting this?

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