Tag Archives: Metallica


Die, Die Their Darlings

Just one day after I posted my mini-rant about Lombardo and his lame excuse for not playing the “Big Four jam,” the bands performed together yet again on the Italian gig.

As my stupid title suggests, they performed “Die, Die My Darling” now. Apparently they only perform covers that Metallica have recorded before. Weird.

Of course, not all members of Slayer joined in but hey, at least the jam happened. I’m sure crappy cellphone footage will surface soon.


Metallica and Lou Reed will have an album cover

As you may have heard, Metallica‘s amazing secret project is actually a collaboration with Lou Reed. That doesn’t sound amazing at all.

Anyway, no details as to when, how, and especially WHY this album is being released, but Blabbermouth posted some news about a Dutch photographer doing their album cover. Isn’t that nice?

“Metallica and legendary singer and former Velvet Underground frontman Lou Reed have reportedly tapped Dutch photographer, music video and film director Anton Corbijn to take a picture for the cover of their upcoming collaborative album. According to the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet, Corbijn and Reed were seen hanging around with Metallica over the weekend in Gothenburg, Sweden where the band performed as part of the “Big Four” concert at Ullevi stadium.

Read full article here.

Yes, you guessed it. Very slow news day.


The Swedish Metallica gig (updated)

Metallica played a show in Gothenburg (Sweden) and it was shown on TV. Well, this is the internet, so someone ripped it and put it on YouTube. Unfortunately the sound is kind of weak (even though it’s pro shot) and it’s not really HD. But can’t be picky, right?

I’m not gonna embed all those videos in here, as it would get pretty confusing (like my sexuality) so here’s the setlist. Click each song to view the performance. Awesome, right?

01. Hit the Lights
02. Master of Puppets
03. The Shortest Straw
04. Seek & Destroy
05. Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
06. Ride the Lightning
07. The Memory Remains
08. All Nightmare Long
09. Sad But True
10. The Call of Ktulu
11. One
12. For Whom the Bell Tolls
13. Blackened
14. Fade to Black
15. Enter Sandman

16. Am I Evil? (with Megadeth and Anthrax)
17. Damage Inc.
18. Creeping Death

UPDATE: All of the performance has been uploaded, so I’ve updated this post with the proper links. Enjoy.


Metallica still kick ass

There are many stereotypes associated with metalheads. Most of them are about hygiene, but one predominant stereotype seems to be “Let’s diss Metallica, because all pure metalheadz do it lolz!!1111″

I know what you’re thinking: But Alex, you make fun of Metallica all the time! True, but it’s tongue-in-cheek humor which is aimed at every band out there, not just them. It’s how we roll around here. I’m talking about people who genuinely try to take a shit on this band for the sake of taking a shit (on this band).

If you’re one of those guys who just never liked them, this article isn’t about you. If you’re a guy who liked/loved 80s Metallica, then just gave up being a fan because of 90s and especially early 2000s Metallica, this article isn’t about you either. If you spend your days commenting on each Metallica-related article on Blabbermouth, saying the same thing over and over again, and using the ‘sell out’ argument, this article is definitely about you. Bitch

So no matter how much you love or hate this band, continue reading this article and read my flawless arguments which contradict this popular trend with metalheads.

Fanboy alert!


Metallica will play another corporate gig

I always thought the beauty of being as big as Metallica was not having to compromise your integrity for money, since you’re making enough on your own. I guess I was wrong.

Metallica are playing their second corporate gig in less than a year. This time they can’t even hide behind the Guitar Hero excuse.

It all started when Kirk mentioned that his next door neighbor had invited us to play at his party in San Francisco and we figured “why not?” After all, it has been quite some time since we’ve played in our hometown, and we haven’t exactly been getting out a lot lately.  Well, it turns out that Kirk’s neighbor, Marc Benioff, is the top dog at a “small” company called Salesforce.com and his shindig actually lasts for four days and hosts over 30,000 people!  So much for a little backyard barbeque

Read full statement here.

So it’s not like it was a negotiated thing or anything. Kirk’s neighbor just asked if one of the biggest bands around could attend his bbq, Kirk said yes, then they realized it’s for Salesforce.com. Don’t blame them, it was an accident. Money good.

I have a lot of Monopoly puns in my head right now, but I’ll save them for later. The good news is that if you’re in MetClub, they’re giving away ‘hundreds’ of tickets for this thing, so check that out. At least they take care of their fans, which is always nice.

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