Tag Archives: Metallica


Friday Top 10: Albums of the 90s

So, many of us here at Dose of Metal are in our mid twenties, and we grew up with Metal in the ’90s. It may not go down as the greatest decade in Metal history, but fuck it, I love the ’90s. So many damn good albums came out of that decade, and that’s the purpose of this week’s Friday Top 10.

The list is pretty simple. Two rules: Only one album per band, to keep it varied, and secondly, Metal only, and that’s it. Other than that, I just blew this list out of my ass, because I’m awesome and you should listen to me.

So what are you waiting for? Make the jump for this week’s Friday Top 10.


Buy the Jaymz pickups, fools!

James Hetfield may be one of the most underrated guitarists in metal. Some of you may disagree since Metallica gets a lot of credit as a band but, think about it, most people think of James as the vocalist. It’s Kirk who made all the ‘Top Guitarists’ lists and few people realize James wrote most of the guitar riffs in this band.

Therefore I think he really is underrated as an axeman since whenever I say he’s one of my favorite guitarists, people chuckle and answer back “LOL, he is teh singer!!111”

So when I said you could also play guitar like him, I lied. But I did mention his pickups before, so make the jump to watch a two-part interview with him about his guitar playing.

I reviewed his signature picks and kinda saw them as kinda useless since they’re expensive (but nice), but his EMG pickups are responsible for the signature Metallica sound so I’d definitely get them. Although I’d probably just get his classic 81/60 setup.



Clever title right? Ok, no, it sucks right? Oh well, I’m sure I’ll live. I won’t cry myself to sleep, I promise.

So what’s the story about? Well, it seems Devildriver have begun recording a cover of Metallica‘s ‘Holier Than Thou’ for a 20th-anniversary tribute to The Black album. Video footage from the sessions can be viewed by clicking the link, courtesy of Blabbermouth, who in turn probably borrowed it from the band.



Metallica fans will buy anything with Metallica‘s name on it. So Metallica make everything and put their name on it. Seems like a sensible business decision. But this decision seems sensibler (is that even a word?).

Metallica like to make money, and they make a lot of money, so why would they not put their name on a game based on making more money than your opponent? I can’t believe it took them 30 years to come up with it, seems like a match made in heaven.

I wonder what the street names will be. Will the expensive streets be named after their 80s albums and the shitty ones after St. Anger? Will it have punishments like “The bank just turned you into Jason Newsted and left you with no money!”? I guess time will tell, cause it’s not out yet.

Will I buy it? Of course…


My band is better than yours!

That’s what Bruce Dickinson thinks about his band Iron Maiden in comparison to Metallica.

In a recent interview with the UK’s Metal Hammer magazine, Iron Maiden frontman Bruce Dickinson discusses how the band have managed to stay on top, and how “Iron Maiden are better than Metallica.”

You’ve just got to have a sense of fearlessness,” says Bruce. “I got into trouble for saying that we’re better than Metallica… and, it’s true! They might be bigger than us and they might sell more tickets than us and they might get more gold-plated middle-class bourgeoisie turning up to their shows but they’re not Maiden. I did say it’s a bit of a wind-up. I thought, if I’m going to turn into an asshole, I might as well, you know, go for it!”

Source: Blabbermouth

I can see Bruce is probably being a bit tongue-in-cheek and just trying to play the asshole (I know I love to too), but I have to agree with him. I love both bands, I really do respect both for what they’ve done for Metal, but Maiden are the superior band in my opinion. Now feel free to flame me.

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