Tag Archives: Metallica


James Hetfield interprets traffic

In a theory that could one day rival Freud himself, Metallica frontman and biker James Hetfield told some Japanese guy how he looks at traffic before a gig, and knows what to expect from the crowd based on what he sees there.

I could transcribe what he said and quote it here, but you’ll think I’m making it up. So see for yourself, after the jump.


Kirk Hammett doesn't hate kids

As previously reported, Kirk scored a field goal during a live show, but at the other end of the ball was a little girl’s face.

Some people were wondering who that kid was or if she was hurt, but most people just pointed and laughed, really. Anyway, a recent update on MetOnTour.com sets the record straight.

You may have been reading some reports and watching some YouTube video of Kirk accidentally kicking a balloon and knocking a child down. I want to set the record straight here. The child is the daughter of a Metallica crew member, and she was experiencing the joy of the balloons dropping. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and Kirk did not see her when he kicked the ball. The little girl did not receive any injuries, and she was not “sent flying several feet into the audience.” Both the little girl and Kirk are fine, and are still friends. Thanks for everyone’s concern and support.

Read the post here, if you have an account.

Well, since the little girl is alright, you can keep watching that video, guilt free.


Kirk Hammett hates kids

If you’re a little kid, especially a little girl, and you’re anywhere near Kirk Hammett, watch the fuck out. He’s gonna knock you out.

Make the jump to see footage of Kirk kicking one of those Metallica balls in a concert, hitting a little girl right in the kisser. To make matters worse, rumor has it that it was James Hetfield‘s daughter…

Someone’s taking the “Seek and Destroy” lyrics literally. Oops.

When asked if he was jealous of the little girl for having a deeper voice than him, Kirk had no comment.


Lars is a taxi driver

If you ever wondered why Lars Ulrich is not practicing drums at all in his spare time, we have the answer. He’s a parent 24/7… Awww

Yes, I am a Mr Mom. I take care of three kids pretty much full time — they are 3, 9 and 12. My main job is being a taxi driver or a chauffeur. I just drive kids around all day. So when I’m on tour, I get a chance to be driven, and handed blueberry protein shakes — without vodka — and to sit and check my lack of hair in this mirror.

Watch interview after the jump.


Lars loves the Big 4

Lars Ulrich, Metallica‘s drummer and main ranter, loved The Big Four. It’s all good and all, but we heard him the first time he said it.

It’s pretty amazing if you think about it, that it’s the first time basically in 25 years or 30 or whatever that the four of us have actually played shows together,” he said. “So it was a lot of fun, a lot of memories, a lot of fun times — new fun times, and fun times talking about the old fun times. So it sort of was a, it was a winner on every front.” said Lars while counting his zillions.

Read full article here.

Well, I’m sure he does love them since the DVD pretty much sold like hot candy. Expect an in-depth review of it, coming from us, quite soon. Also expect general badassery coming from this site.

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