Tag Archives: Motörhead


Lemmy is still rock and roll.

Lemmy Kilmister, lead vocalist from legendary band Motorhead, recently conducted an interview with Radio Metal.

It’s a pretty cool interview.  Lemmy talks about his bands upcoming new album, The World Is Yours (which will be released on December 13th, 2010), pokes fun at Brian Welch for being the Jesus of rock and roll, says rock and roll is so much better than being a geek on the computer and much more.

Click here to check out the interview and make the jump to view my favourite Motorhead song.


We hope you like horror movies

Lemmy has a documentary about him, and you’ll never guess the name. It’s called ‘Lemmy.’ Anyways, we’ve posted about it before, but now we know it will be in theaters in mid-January and on DVD and Blu-Ray on the 15th of February. Now, as soon as I read “Lemmy” and “Blu-Ray” I thought… MOLES IN HD. HOLY SHIT.

If you like seeing topless zombies, à la Dawn of the Dead, then expect to see two deformed zombie tits hanging around next to a mustache in glorious full HD. I think I’m buying the DVD on this one.

Anyways, you can check out some reviews of the film: Variety | Inside Pulse | Hollywood Reporter. A teaser after the jump.



So no doubt you saw my post earlier today about a dubstep remix of DeftonesPrince. Well, how do you guys feel about making some dubstep remixes of Motörhead songs? Wouldn’t that be like totally awesome? Well good news, because the band are releasing the Motörhead Remixer, coming straight to your mobile phone. Oh yayz!

Read more information here.


Lemmy is a great role model

If you have kids and you want them to learn something about life, music and alcohol, look no further. They can also get their cues on modesty, so it’s an all-around lesson for everyone.

All kinds of things about me are legendary, not just the excesses. And, for me, they’re not excesses anyway. What you do every day is normal, right? This voice does good on cigarettes. That’s part of the training. I have to keep smoking. If I stopped smoking, my voice would suffer. I couldn’t possibly do my job if I didn’t smoke and drink. said Lemmy after toking on a cigarette.

Don’t worry though, it’s not like Lemmy is all about bad things, he does think of the kids.

I’m not going to promote it as a lifestyle. I don’t want some kids dying because they drunk because of me. If you say this guy drinks like a fish after 35 years in Motörhead, they’ll think, ‘Oh, I can do that too.’

Read full interview here.

Here’s the thing, if you don’t want to promote it as a lifestyle, don’t mention how drinking and smoking helps your singing. What good does it do to say you wouldn’t want kids to drink because of you, if right after that you pretty much say your career would suffer without cigs and booze? It’s like saying ‘I don’t condone violence, but my debating skills would seriously suffer if I didn’t know kung fu.’

We love you anyway, Lemster.


Win some Motorhead goodness

Good news for Motorhead fans (they still exist?). Apparently, in celebration of Motorhead’s forthcoming album and UK tour (really, this is something to celebrate?) Metal Hammer are offering you and a buddy the chance to win a prize of a life-time (their words, not mine).

If you fancy your chances at winning the opportunity to watch the band live from the side of the stage in London (Nov 26th), and then basically a load of crap you probably don’t care about (Signed picks, t-shirts etc), then just head over to Metal Hammer and post your favorite Motorhead song in the comments section. Metal Hammer will then pick a winner at random.

I’d enter, but to be honest, I don’t even know any Motorhead songs besides Ace of Spades. Come to think of it, I don’t even like Metal. I’m off now to see what Lady Gaga’s been up to.

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