Tag Archives: Pantera


Rita got interviewed

I don’t really like commenting on musician’s personal lives, cause I don’t actually know them, so it’s not really my place — but I do it anyway, because why wouldn’t I?

Vinnie and Phil haven’t spoken to each other since Pantera split up. After Dimebag’s death, Vinnie blamed Phil for it, which is fucking stupid. But nowadays Rita, Dime’s girlfriend, is forgiving Phil and is urging Vinnie to do it as all.

To be honest, I do agree that Dime would have probably forgiven Phil if he was still alive. I really doubt he wanted any animosity between Vinnie, Rex and Phil, so they should all kiss and make up and honor Dime together. That’s how I see it.

Check the interview above to see Rita agreeing with me. Can’t blame her, I’m awesome.


Friday Top 26: Heavy Metal Alphabet

We’ve done so many Top 10’s already, but this time we’ve decided to top it all with a Top 26. 26? There was something with 26, right? You got it! The Latin alphabet, that is used in most countries on this planet, has 26 letters.

So what are we going to do with these 26 letters? Well, every band has a bandname, and every bandname consists of letters. Can you follow me so far? We’re going to list the best band for each letter of the Latin alphabet (including their best song and album).

Ain’t that cool, now? It sure is. Make the jump for 26 letters and 26 ear-shattering Metal bands!


Today’s Dose of Metal: Pantera

Remember this? I decided I’m gonna post, from time to time, a song from one of the bands mentioned in that day’s news.

DThis time it’s Pantera‘s turn, because of that awkward Phil interview below. Don’t be fooled by the Kiss thumbnail, it’s really Panfuckingtera.

Anyway, I love this song. I’m not a Reinventing The Steel fan at all, but this song kicks ass. Just listen to the riffs. Linkin Park would have made two albums out of the amount of riffs played in this single song.

The video is pretty funny, too. Albeit a bit cheesy, but that small Dimebag kid always puts a smile on my face (not in that way, sickos!).


Yes! Pantera! YEAH! YEAH!

I don’t really like it when classic shows get revived (look what happened to Family Guy), but I’m really excited about “Beavis and Butt-head” coming back.

I know I’ve posted that very same video in the original news post about this but hey, it’s funny and today is a slow news day. Deal with it.


Kids that like Metal


Back in March, I posted this. Basically, I was happy to see the 40-45 kids in the classroom rocking out and having fun to a great Iron Maiden track.

Anyway, for some strange bizarre reason, I’ve came across a video of my future son rocking out to Pantera! Unbelievable! Why? Because a few months back, I already knew this girl was going to be my daughter in the future.

Anyway, check out the boy going hostile!

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