Tag Archives: Pantera


Weak Recap: Mark your territory

Last week’s been all about Mark. He’s posted the most posts (read: all of them) because everyone else was busy. He’s taken one for the team and spent less time watching porn and more time writing for the site.

So it seems fitting that this weekend I get to interview him and ask him what he thinks on (mostly) his posts from this week.

Actually, we just have an order of interviewing each other for this self-indulgent and shitty awesome Weak Recap thing, and it just so happens that it’s Mark’s turn to be interviewed. Last week he interviewed me.

Make the jump and read the interview with the most amazing DoM writer (after myself and the other guys).

P.S. = That’s not Mark and his girlfriend above. Mark’s girlfriend is much fatter.


Walk on Down to Download

Look at that headline, I’m a freaking genius! Actually, I suck, I just constructed a meaningless sentence out of the 3 important factors of this post. You can’t even walk on down to Download, because the festival finished last night.

Those 3 important factors are that Down performed a little teaser of Pantera‘s ‘Walk’ at the UK’s Download festival this past weekend. Not really news, but I love Down, I love Pantera, and as a reader of Dose of Metal, I’m sure you’re the same. Watch a clip of the performance above.


Friday Top 10: Albums of the 90s

So, many of us here at Dose of Metal are in our mid twenties, and we grew up with Metal in the ’90s. It may not go down as the greatest decade in Metal history, but fuck it, I love the ’90s. So many damn good albums came out of that decade, and that’s the purpose of this week’s Friday Top 10.

The list is pretty simple. Two rules: Only one album per band, to keep it varied, and secondly, Metal only, and that’s it. Other than that, I just blew this list out of my ass, because I’m awesome and you should listen to me.

So what are you waiting for? Make the jump for this week’s Friday Top 10.


Friday Top 10: Most Influential Metal Bands

Remember when I posted my wacky comments on Kerrang! magazine’s Top 10 of the most influential rock bands of the last 30 years? Well, it’s time to post the metal equivalent of that Top 10, only we’re not limiting ourselves to time, so it’s the most influential bands of metal history.

Also, only metal bands can make the list. Not bands that aren’t metal themselves but influenced a wide array of metal bands, so exclude AC/DC, Deep Purple etc.

Now, make the jump to see if my list is better than Kerrang’s list.

It is.


17 years ago seems so far away

17 years ago, Pantera’s Far Beyond Driven went to #1 on the US Billboard 200 charts. Currently on #1 on said charts is Adele and I have absolutely no idea who that is but I think it’s safe to say, they (or she?) aren’t metal (it’s worth noticing that the Foo Fighters are on #2 and I absolutely view that as a great thing).

17 years ago, even Kurt Cobain was blown away by the sheer amount of quality metal albums that were released that year. In the year of 1994, many great (and now legendary) albums were released. Make the jump to see the highlights of 1994.

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