Tag Archives: Rage Against The Machine


2011: The albums to watch out for (Pt. 2)

Hello and welcome to part 2 of my 2011: The albums to watch out for feature. I know, I know, not a very catchy name is it? But in my defence, I haven’t stopped drinking since Christmas Eve and I’m pretty sure I’ve now killed all but one of my remaining brain cells.

If you haven’t read part one yet, why not? Go do it now. And then come back and read part 2 after the jump.


This day in Metal… The UK Rage Against the X-Factor

One year ago, this Sunday, the UK silent majority did something phenomenal, something that had never been achieved ever before. Just two people, a couple living in the UK that had become sick of Simon Cowell’s and the X-Factor’s monopoly on the charts, deciding that enough was enough, created the first successful grass-roots campaign to stop the X-Factor from gaining their “inevitable” number one spot.  No one thought it was possible and even the arrogant presenters of X Factor laughed it off as a “pathetic little campaign,” but they were wrong…

Read on after the jump to see my full article on these events and why the UK has failed to Rage against the X-Factor this year.


Rage no loner against the studio machine

Rage Against The Machine

This was bound to happen, I guess:

A translation of the interview by gunshyassassin.com quotes de la Rocha as saying the band is older and more mature. “We are working on a new album due out next year, perhaps for the northern hemisphere summer,” he said.

So, mark your calendar for southern hemisphere winter as the time you might get another 60 minute CD of Tom Morello scratching his guitar. If this is old or incorrect, then blame Gibson for posting it today, not me. And here’s a Google translation of the original interview.

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