Tag Archives: Rise To Remain


Machine Head threaten to ruin my birthday

When it comes to Machine Head, I’m like the girl who puts up with years of physical and emotional abuse because she knows that, deep down, he’s the same man she fell in love with during that amazing summer they shared like 20 years ago.   Because I’m still hoping for 1994 Robb Flynn to sweep me off my feet and tell me everything is going to be OK, I always try to see Machine Head when they come to my city.  So it goes without saying that I was excited to see this on Blabbermouth the other day:

San Francisco Bay Area metallers Machine Head will embark on a North American headlining tour…

Hey, they’re coming to town on my birthday!  Sweet!  Wait… what was the rest of that press release?

…with support from Suicide Silence, Darkest Hour and Rise To Remain.

Shit.  I didn’t see that coming.  Let’s see what we’re working with here (after the jump).


Review: Rise to Remain – City of Vultures

Rise to Remain are a Metal band from London, UK, more often known as ‘that band led by Bruce Dickinson’s son’. Despite some critics arguing the band have risen to fame due to vocalist Austin Dickinson’s rich and famous father, Rise to Remain have still received rave reviews for their live performances as well as their first 3 EPs, even winning some awards along the way.

Last week the band released their debut album, City of Vultures, and Dose of Metal has the only verdict you’re ever going to need. Make the mother-fucking jumpalump for my review of one of Britain’s fastest rising Metal bands.


This week’s playlist

Have you ever wondered what we’ve been busy blasting here at the Dose of Metal office? Of course you haven’t, we don’t even have an office, but that doesn’t mean we can’t review some new metal tracks for you, and let you readers know what’s been hogging our stereo.

This week I decided to do something I rarely do – actually check out some new music. I sometimes get so caught up in my own ways, listening to the same bands over again, that I forget their is a wealth of other music out there.

Since this week’s feature is the first, I’m going to review some new tracks from the last month or so, but from next week I’m going to keep it to mainly just new tracks released in that given week. But enough about that, let’s just get on with it shall we? Make the motherflipping jump before I pop a cap in your ass.


Video interviews for the children!

Machine Head got interviewed at the Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival. That’s a long ass title for a festival.

Rise To Remain were interviewed above at Sonisphere. Only one question: Who the hell are they?

Malevolent Creation‘s drummer also got interviewed. By the look of the video (and the camera it was recorded with), it’s safe to assume this piece of footage is from the 60s. Part two here.



Clever title, right? Blow me. Let’s talk some headlines, yo:

Slipknot (pictured above) played their first headlining show without Paul Gray two days ago in Berlin. What’s interesting about this performance is that they got their old red suits and old masks for it. Nostalgia alert, if you ever liked them. Make the jump to see a few badly shot videos of the gig. Or don’t. See if I care.

We’ve talked before about Queensrÿche, the band that has two dots over the y, making me go to Wikipedia so I can copy it and paste it here. Their drummer, Marko Syrjälä (argh, here we go again with those dots), talked about the new album and a bunch of other stuff in this interview. Their guitarist,  Mike Wilton, also talked about the new album, but in a statement on their official site. Apparently he’s 100% behind the new record. Gee, what a surprise.

Katatonia have released a free iPhone app. It’s called ‘Katatonia’ (go figure) and you can get it here. The great thing about it is that it lists all the band’s tour dates, so you know which cities to avoid and when. Awesome.

Bruce Dickinson’s son also has a band. And that band will release their debut album in September. Gee, I wonder if who his daddy is played a part in them getting a record deal. Doubtful. In the music industry, it’s not whom you know, it’s simply about talent. Haha,  I crack myself up. Anyways, band is called Rise To Remain, album is called City Of Vultures and you can watch the video of their debut single after the jump.

Machine Head will tour Europe with Bring Me The Horizon, Devildriver and Darkest Hour later this year. In other equally interesting news, I spilled mustard on my favorite shirt today. Dates after the jump.

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