Tag Archives: Sebastian Bach


Sebastian Bach teaches you how to scream

Say what you will about Skid Row, but frontman Sebastian Bach can motherfucking scream. He has a pretty good voice, so watch him patronizing you by apparently giving you tips on how to sing like him.

Oh please, it’s like me teaching you how to be handsome. We were born this way, no video in the world would ever be able to help you achieve the same level. But good on ya, Seb, maybe you should be a mentor on American Idol this year. I hear the dude that looks like an old lady in Aerosmith is still involved.


Sebastian Bach still loves making records…

The AU Review recently conducted an interview with the former Skid Row singer, Sebastian Bach.

I guess it’s like one of those vicious cycle things, huh? Sebastian Bach likes making albums (*cough* likes money *cough*), I don’t like listening to them, but yet I end up writing about it. Seb hates me, so he continues to torture me with his crap albums, and I continue to write, because I’m a sadist masochist. Which came first, Sebastian Bach‘s shit music, or my shit writing? Mind = blown, I know.

Anyways, I think I found the reasons for Seb’s shitty music:

“Yeah, well, I want to keep on making records. I don’t just listen to singles, I listen to albums. I love the Black Veil Brides new album, Set The World On Fire, it’s a great album. I like Hellyeah when they put out records, I think they put out great albums”

Source: Blabbermouth

Tell me that doesn’t explain a lot.


Steel Panther FOR TEH PARTEE

I wonder if FTP (for the party) is a real acronym or did I just blow everyone’s mind again… Nevermind. What you see above is Steel Panther, a “hair metal revival” band performing with Sebastian Bach (ex-Skidrow) and singer Cee-Lo Green at a show in Holywood last night.

As easy as it is to make fun of them — I won’t. I mean, look at the clip. They’re obviously having fun, and they obviously have more girls on stage than I’ve ever been able to make verbal contact with. All I have is this room, a computer and hair loss issues. Goddammit.

You can find more videos from the performance here.


More Bach for your buck

Upon waking up this morning and browsing Blabbermouth, I was horrified to learn that Sebastian Bach is working on yet another solo album. That’s not the news though, apparently that’s already common knowledge. The news is that he’s also working on bonus material for the new album.

What’s the bonus material? A free can of hair spray? Some hair dye to hide those grey hairs? A free rant on how awesome Axl Rose is and how people shouldn’t criticize him? Nah just some bonus songs and a live DVD.

The album is scheduled for release for some time in September.


Sebastian Bach is out of custody

The real Sebastian Bach

…Unfortunately. And he’s also got the lamest name in rock, in case you really think I’m stupid enough to post the picture above by accident. We’ve covered Sebastian Bierk‘s bar fight and arrest earlier today, and the news is that the charges have been dropped, and he payed a $250 fine.

Here’s what he had to say of the experience:

“They treated me okay in jail, but my ass hurts

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