Tag Archives: Simo Rants


Tuesday Trivia: Metal is addictive

How someone imagined Roger Tullgren

“No shit, Sherlock,” screams the reader, while some metal tune is blasting out their speaker. You think you’re so tough because you have the latest Slayer album and wear a band t-shirt? There are people in this world who actually claimed (and proved) that they can’t function without metal (and we’re not talking the daily dose of iron you have to take everyday). And there is one country in the world that’s willing to help you out, and even subsidy part of your paycheck. Make a quick guess which country it is, then make the jump.


Map of Metal

Map of Metal

Have you ever felt lost when it comes to all the genres and subgenres in metal? Never knew the difference between Traditional Doom Metal and Blackened Death Metal? Haha, you suck.

But, Dose of Metal to the rescue. An awesomely named site, Map of Metal, is there to help you out with any doubts you have about a certain genre or historic aspects of metal, using an (you might have guessed it) interactive map in the process. Everything is clickable,  every genre has a bunch of example songs, and the site opens with Black Sabbath playing. What else could you wish for? So, make sure to check it out right here.


Holidays are around the corner

God listens to Slayer

And why not make them more interesting? This is not really news, and not really new, but definitely metal. Want to see Slayer‘s Raining Blood song synced to Christmas lights on some dude’s house? Make the jump for the video. Have your own way of making holidays more metal? You make the devil’s horns instead of gingerbread men? Let us know. And send us some of those cookies.

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