Tag Archives: Site


Thou shalt not be bored by this boring rant

They say you’re only as good as the company you keep, so considering what my fellow DoM writers are like, I’m fucked.

But why do we run this site? Is it for the money? Not really, because we hardly make any… So if it’s not a job, what is it? A hobby? A way to kill time? An obsession? A little bit of everything?

I really don’t know, cause if I’m honest, I don’t even consider myself a proper metalhead. I hate a lot of metal subgenres, especially those where the vocals sound like a bear coughing up a hairball. So do I really love writing about metal? Nope. So why do I do it? I have no clue.

Now, don’t get me wrong, all of my favorite bands are metal, or at least WERE metal in the 80s, but I just don’t consider myself part of this metalhead clique. I shower, I don’t wear band shirts, don’t wear camo pants (unless I play paintball or airsoft with my friends, which is totally anti-metal in and of itself). My head is the only thing that looks slightly metal. Metal head. Get it? Fuck you.

Anyway, I hate going to the barbershop so I simply shave my head, wait for it to grow a couple of weeks, then shave it again, and so on. Sometimes I shave it with a razor.  I also wear a goatee. Most of the time, I sport the Phil Anselmo ’92 look (with a bit of his 2000 look, since I also drink a lot — and eat). So my head kinda looks metal, but that’s it.

So if I’m not a metalhead, what am I? I definitely hate most genres out there. I get mad at the term ‘nu-metal’ for having metal in it, which is dumb. It’s like calling Hitler ‘nu-tolerant.’ So I can’t pigeonhole myself into a certain genre or subgenre, I guess I just like music.

Then what the fuck am I doing on a site called Dose of Metal? Why am I not running a site that handles a bit more than just metal? It probably has something to do with the way we started this thing, so keep on reading to find out…


It’s Easter! Be our friends!

There’s no denying it… The internet has moved to Facebook and Twitter. So being the cool, up-to-date, hipster metalheads that we are, we’re there as well. So why don’t you do the Easter Bunny a huge favor by liking us on Facebook and following us on Twitter? Can you really afford to miss out important updates and new amazing articles? I think not.


Twitter: @DoseOfMetal


Metal icons by highaltitude.


Weak Recap: We’re amazing

This is our fifth Weak Recap, which means we ran out of writers to interview so I’m back interviewing Guido. God dammit. At least old man river up there approves.

In case you aren’t familiar with this recap thing, it’s a way for us to whore ourselves interview each other by recapping the week’s news. Pretty cool, right? Wrong… It’s lame and self-indulgent but hey, at least it’s original. Most other sites just do basic lists. Blah, we do shit properly, yo.

Make the jump and if you’re truly bored.


Spring cleaning

What up players? While you were busy playing with yourselves, we’ve done some cleaning on our site. What does that mean? Well for starters, we got rid of some pages and made the menu above a bit easier to navigate through.

Also, we’ve separated the reviews by months and years and pretty much just made our site better. One could ask how you can improve an already perfect site. Good question, I guess we’re just that good we make perfect stuff even ‘perfecter.’

So browse through the menu above and get ready to be amazed. Feel free to shoot us an email if you have any suggestions on how we can improve our site. We won’t read ’em but, you know, can’t hurt to try, right? We always love making fun of people so send us your thoughts so we can laugh at them.


Apparently we’re epic failures

Some asshole sent a screenshot of our site to one of those fail sites. Why? Cause apparently we have a skull in the logo and Guido used a picture of people getting hanged and the banner on top was for kids.

Yeah assholes, like we control what banners Google shows… Sure, we can deny them but it’s not like we see all of them, since they’re shown depending on your location.

Anyways, here it is. Vote for it, while you’re at it. We’re like The Darkness. If we’re being laughed at, might as well embrace and milk it.

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