Tag Archives: Slayer


Yep, Diamond Head joined the jam

Okay so maybe not all of Diamond Head, just guitarist Brian Tatler.

Now, I have updated the original post about this but hey, Metallica.com has some awesome photos up so I stole got a couple of them to post here.

Make the jump to see a few and a link to the full gallery.

And yes, I realize most of the news is now Big Four-related somehow but hey, what can you do? Would you rather read about whom Bret Michaels is singing with? I thought so.


Will Diamond Head join The Big Four jam?

I actually wanted to go to Knebworth for Sonisphere, but couldn’t. Man, am I going to regret this…

Diamond Head (whose ‘Am I Evil’ song is usually played when the four bands jam) will play on the same stage as Anthrax, Slayer, Megadeth and Metallica. So will they join the jam at the end?

The video above with David Ellefson and Shawn Drover of Megadeth seems to hint towards that idea. It would be pretty epic indeed, and I don’t see why they wouldn’t.

I hope it will be pro shot so we don’t have to witness it via godawful cellphone footage.

UPDATE: Metallica.com confirms that Brian Tatler of Diamond Head joined the jam.

Speaking of Sonisphere, other musicians playing that festival were asked to pick their favorite Big Four band. Their quotes, after the jump.


Die, Die Their Darlings

Just one day after I posted my mini-rant about Lombardo and his lame excuse for not playing the “Big Four jam,” the bands performed together yet again on the Italian gig.

As my stupid title suggests, they performed “Die, Die My Darling” now. Apparently they only perform covers that Metallica have recorded before. Weird.

Of course, not all members of Slayer joined in but hey, at least the jam happened. I’m sure crappy cellphone footage will surface soon.


Lombardo got a new tattoo

If you were present at the Swedish Big Four gig and wondered why no one in Slayer was around for the “Big Four” jam, Lombardo has an answer for you. He was too busy getting a tattoo. No time to worry about fans or anything.

I’ve been to their first jam (pictured above) and it was magical. When I told people what I’ve witnessed, they were envious as shit. To see how Slayer are less and less involved in that is really disappointing. Megadeth and Metallica put their feud aside and Slayer simply can’t be bothered to join in.

I know, I know, there’s always an excuse. Tattoos, traveling arrangements, blah blah… People pay good money to see all four bands live. That jam at the end should be between all four bands — hence the name THE BIG FOUR.

Here’s my message to Dave and the rest of Slayer: The tattoo is pretty cool, Dave. Your disappointing thousands of fans hoping to see all four bands on that stage together — uncool.


Bill Bailey teaches the Devil Chord

English comedian Bill Bailey is hiding in a secret bunker somewhere (I do that too, apart from my secret bunker is my parent’s basement), preparing for his upcoming set at the UK’s Sonisphere festival.

You can watch a video of him above teaching us the wonders of ‘the Devil Chord’ as well as performing a a slightly different version of Slayer‘s ‘Angel of Death’.

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