Tag Archives: Sol Invicto


Sol Invicto’s hot

Sol Invicto

Sol Invicto is my favorite singer. She’s got nice beats, good riffs and looks hot. I wonder why she doesn’t actually sing, though. Nevermind, I <3 you Sol Invicto xoxo

Yeah, that wasn’t lame at all. Regardless, the band just released the cover for their second EP, Initium II (preview of which you can listen to here), and also posted an updated cover of the first EP. Both feature the lovely Gogo.

Both can be seen in slightly larger resolutions (and separate files) after the jump.


Cat’s out of the bag: download the new Sol Invicto track

Sol Invicto

This is what happens when you don’t choose your VIP carefully, Richie! *snaps fingers*

The Sol Invicto track I wrote about yesterday is now officially out for grabs, and you can get it by clicking on the following link: download! Mini review: fucking nice!

For your convenience, I also made this handy embedded player so you can just hit play and listen to it straight away, saving you precious seconds in the process. Am I not like the best? I know!


New Sol Invicto nearly out

Gogo Blackwater (Sol Invicto cover model)

Now for the sexiest news piece for today. Look up! Click here! Thank me in the comments, bitches.

Oh yeah, if you’re interested in the other bit, Sol Invicto are almost out with their second release, cleverly titled Initium II. In fact, if you’re in the band’s VIP section, you should have the preview track in your inbox right now.

Which begs me to ask the question:


Is it because I’d probably make fun of the track??? Actually, that’s kind of a fair point. Anyway, I am so disappointed, I’m thinking I should go wish Skrillex a happy birthday on his Facebook wall. You hear me Richie?! I thought we had something special :'(

Anyway dickwads, make sure to check the band’s Facebook page and follow them on Twitter to get the latest updates, or you know, check out this site because we’ll add that extra awesome™ to the news. Laters!



Sol Invicto can do metal

Remember Sol Invicto? They’re, from what I can gather, some sort of electro band (I’ve only heard of metal – so forgive me if I have that wrong) that contains a few members of Cypress Hill, Steph of Deftones fame, and Richie Londres who is the coolest member by default, because we interviewed him and he comments on our posts.

A few people (not us obviously, we’re all down with that electro stuff) were a little concerned that there was a lack of solos, double tapping and blastbeats, but fear not, because yesterday Sol Invicto linked to a piece of music they had composed that contained guitars – yes, actual guitars! You can watch the clip above (taken from a 2010 Gumball 3000 movie trailer).

Ok, so there’s no solos, no double tapping and no blast beats (or pig squeels), but you can take comfort in the fact it’s probably better than anything Korn is doing right now. The song will apparently be on Initium III – which isn’t porn, so I have no idea what it is.

For more on Sol Invicto, check out their Facebook page and official site. It’s not as good as porn, but definitely better than Korn.


An audio interview with Richie from Sol Invicto

Hot album cover is hot.

Remember our little interview with Richie Londres from Sol Invicto we did a while back? Or the incident that caused it? Yeah, of course you do. Anyway, the interview I’m talking about now in this article wasn’t conducted by us, it was done by Anthony Saia from KUOI 89.3 FM.

Why did I even bother writing about it, then? Because it starts the only way a good interview should start like: talking about us! BOOM! Dose of Metal in da house! Represent! They talk about how we’re awesome or something like that for a few minutes, then they switch to other themes, which I didn’t quite understand because Richie is more well spoken than me in my mother tongue (and I’m Eastern European so naturally I’m better at stealing cars than talking).

We can’t wait to give you more material like that article that started it all. Just to make it clear, though, we didn’t review the EP, it was more of a news article. When we review it, it’s going to be more in the lines of this one.

You can listen to the interview with the player below:

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