Tag Archives: Soulfly


How To: Write a song like Max Cavalera

Max Cavaler

Anyone can write a Max Cavalera song. Read on to see how easy it is.


The Dillinger Escape Band

The Dillinger Escape Plan

The Dillinger Escape Plan should join Cirque du Soleil. Seriously, they have a proper show: the picture above is just one example of the gravity defying acts their band members are known to show (google them to see more). They spend more time in the air than on the ground during their shows, and when they’re on the ground they spend it spitting fireballs. And they also have some music playing in the background.

Which brings me to some sad news. It seems the band members of The Dillinger Escape Plan are working hard to escape the band for a little while. Aaaw. In the last few days yours truly has counted three side projects by various members of the band. Make the jump to find out more.


Max Cavalera is popular

Max Cavalera here. Max Cavalera there. Sepultura drama here. Soulfly drama there? It seems so. Earlier today, I promised you that I won’t post any more articles about the whole Sepultura reunion debacle, unless it turns into a bitchfight.

Now, imagine my sigh when I read that someone slammed Max Cavalera for “talking shit” and “lying” to the press. Surprisinly, it was no one from Sepultura though. They already did that earlier this month. This time, it was former Soulfly bassist Bobby Burns. Do I know who he is? Yes, he played the bass for Soulfly. I sure did my homework, eh?

Anyhow, according to Burns, Cavalera lied to the press about the circumstances surrounding Bobby’s departure from the band. Interesting.

More drama after the jump, with fancy YouTube videos and Facebook screenshots, so jump the fuck up!


Soulfly might be coming to a city near you

Soulfly are getting set for a short North American tour with Straight Line Stitch and Incite.  Tour kicks Off in Los Angeles on November 26th and will end in Houston on December 16th.

Is this show really worth it? Max Cavalera is washed up and will just scream “What goes around comes around” and “Rooooots Blooooody Rooooooooooots” all night long.

Jump the page if you’re interested to see the tour dates

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