Tag Archives: Staind


I have some good news, and some bad news

I have some news about Staind, and I’m not sure how you’ll take it.

First the bad news: the band’s not breaking up. The good news: they’re taking a break. That’s at least something, right?

When I saw a headline regarding Staind on another site, first I had to check my phone and see what year it was. Then I remembered they didn’t have smartphones the last time Staind were relevant and was relieved, but it was a frightening experience nonetheless. What’s next, a new album by Korn?


Staind,Godsmack and Halestorm can’t think of a name for their tour


Blabbermouth reports: Staind, Godsmack and Halestorm are so out of ideas that they can’t even think of a name for a tour. Just kidding of course, they’re actually just letting their fans decide on it. Same shit? Possibly.

Either way, if you think of a name, you can leave  a comment on this thread on Godsmack‘s Facebook page: click here.

I thought of quite a few, but I fear a lawsuit. Instead, I’ll just drop one suggested by a Blabbermouth reader:

“if we were any shittier five finger death punch would be here, too” tour


Mike Mushok of Staind interviewed

Staind guitarist Mike Mushok, (who may or may not be a character in Street Fighter) was recently interviewed by In The Now magazine. You can watch a video of the interview above.

I’m not sure exactly what was said in the video, because, well, I didn’t bother watching it.


Friday Top 10: Heaviest albums of all time

Just a couple of weeks ago, the UK’s Kerrang magazine counted down their top 10 heaviest albums of all time. The thing is with Kerrang’s list, though, was I just couldn’t really agree with it. I mean they had The Beatles in the top 10! It was obvious the list was a bit of a joke, so I decided I would put together my own top 10. A top 10 that was just a bit more credible, serious, and would appeal more to so called “real” metalheads.

So to the elite, for real fans of Metal, this top 10 is for you. I hope ya’ll enjoy it, yo.


Staind frontman disappoints (not again!)

Jay Nanda of the San Antonio Metal Music Examiner recently conducted an interview with Staind frontman Aaron Lewis. The interview brings to light some of the details in regards to the recording of the band’s latest record, and the internal friction between members.

While all of us here at Dose of Metal were hoping that these break-up rumors meant the end for Staind, Aaron seems to have sadly squashed this rumor.

I don’t know. I know that when I’m done with this touring cycle, which will be a year from now, that my focus will turn and be completely on putting out my next solo record. And when I’m done with that solo record is how it will go. There’s certainly no reason to break the band up, and I don’t think there’d ever be a reason for the band to break up.”

Source: Blabbermouth

In hope that Aaron will read this post, I have compiled a list of reasons as to why Staind should consider breaking up. For the 10 reasons, just make the jump.

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