Tag Archives: The Black Dahlia Murder


Watch old people review The Black Dahlia Murder

Every metal site out there already covered this, so why shouldn’t we? Are we not good enough?

Anyway, the video above is a part of the web series called Breakfast at Sulimay’s, where three senior citizens review new music, including metal. This episode had The Black Dahlia Murder (skip to 4:40 mark), and I gotta say, I found it funny, especially because of the slow introduction. That grandma’s facial expressions when the heavy part kicked in is also priceless. Apparently, she liked it, but not as much as she likes “Murdoch” (Marduk). The two guys weren’t as supportive, but hey, I’m only 25 and I can’t stand the new stuff like dancecore.

Grandma’s also down with da Bizkit, and you can watch their review of Shotgun after the jump (the review starts at the 5:07 mark).


Black Dahlia Murder give you another new song

Another new track from extreme break-dancing death-inspired applecore band Black Dahlia Murder has made its way onto the interwebz.

The exclusive stream of ‘Malenchanments Of The Necrosphere’ (I think that means ‘death is awesome’ or ‘Dose of Metal is awesome’ or ‘Mark is awesome in bed.’ Something like that) from the Black Dahlia Murder‘s new album, Ritual (out June 21) can be listened to over at Alt Press.


Get your Metal Blade free sampler

Last week I reviewed a free sampler from Basick Records, and this week legendary Metal label Metal Blade are offering their own free sampler to UK residents (don’t worry rest of the world, you can probably get it too). Unlike the Basick Records sampler, I’m not reviewing it just yet, because A – I’m lazy, and B – I’ve only just found out about it.

You can download the FREE sampler by heading over to Amazon.

And if the price of nothing hasn’t quite convinced you, just check out the tracklist after the jump. It features artists such as As I Lay Dying, Amon Amarth, The Black Dahlia Murder, Primordial and many more.


Black Dahlia samples

Ever wanted to sample The Black Dahlia Murder? The band’s new album Ritual, I mean, which is scheduled for a June 17 release in Europe and June 21 release in North America. Well now you can sample every track from the new album over at Amazon.

I know TBDM are Deathcore, and not Death Metal, so as a “Metal elitist” I should probably hate them by default, but I don’t; I love them.

More information can be found over at Blabbermouth.


The Black Dahlia Murder are back

Melodic Death Metal Metalcore Deathcore Technical Death Metal Let’s just go with METAL band, The Black Dahlia Murder have just completed the songwriting process for their forthcoming fifth album, which is scheduled for release later this year.

Blabbermouth reports a whole looooad of uninteresting shit, if you care about that stuff, over here.

All I’ll say is, say what you want, but I own two TBDM albums, and not only do they absolutely rock the hell out of most bands, but TBDM also remain one of the best live bands I’ve ever seen.

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