Tag Archives: Tom Morello


Tom Morello comments on UK riots

You just knew someone in Rage Against The Machine would comment on the UK riots. Here we go, folks. Prepare to witness yet another world-famous musician pretending to understand and relate to poor people.

When people have the opportunity to look forward to a bright future with educational opportunities, safety, security and a positive economic outlook they do not take to the streets and riot. When people are standing at the lip of the abyss, looking into a future of poverty, deprivation and crime, that is when the powder-keg is set to be lit.

Very poetic, only these rioters have no purpose or goals, they just vandalize and loot. They’re destroying their own cities and stealing from mom and pop stores, how is that helping their cause? They’re basically attacking themselves.

In the midst of these austerity measures you know that the UK’s billionaires are not turning their yachts in but the people in communities across the UK find themselves living in desperate economic conditions with no future to look forward to. On the one hand I’m concerned for safety but at the same time I understand.

You’re selling out arenas all over the globe, are you turning in your profits? Or does this not apply to you, just the ‘really rich’ people?

Something’s got to give and I would not exempt what’s happening in the UK from the rest of the world. The circumstances are different in each place but the overarching desire of humanity to stand against tyranny and want a decent life for themselves and their family in universal.

Again, this would all be very poetic if these people would not be burning cars, houses and stores that belong to people just like them. There’s a viral video of some people stealing from an injured kid. These people are not standing against tyranny, they ARE the tyranny. How can you justify throwing a Molotov cocktail into a store? They’re not doing anything but creating more problems for people, thus making life even harder for people who ‘don’t own yachts.’ When you burn down a Starbucks store, it’s not the CEOs that will suffer, but the poor fucks working the counter who will have no job afterwards.

I can understand protesting in front of the government or the big companies, but what these people are doing is simply chaotic destruction, and half of them are just jumping on the bandwagon. They have absolutely no reason, other than “Let’s smash some windows and steal some Blu-Rays!!!”

I always thought Tom Morello was a smart guy, but if he truly doesn’t see the hypocrisy in these riots, then maybe I was wrong about him.

Full article here.

[ Photo credit: Bobzilla ]


Hey! It’s time for headlines!

Today is June 6th and that means it’s ‘Internatinal Day of Slayer’, a day where dumb/redneck Slayer fans dedicated Slayer fans get heavily intoxicated, listen to Slayer all day and randomly yell “SLAYER” every 10 minutes or so.  So, uh, yeah… SLAYER!!!!

Queensryche recently just released a brand spanking new song titled, ‘Around The World’.  The track comes off their upcoming new album, ‘Dedicated To Chaos’, which will be released on June 28th.  Interesting… Queensryche still make music?  Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy them.  Operation:Mindcrime and Empire are great records.  I’m just surprised they are still around.  I’ve not heard anything new from them in ages.   As usual, you have to “like” the band on Facebook to listen to the track.

Jane’s Addiction > Nirvava.  Well, that’s what Tom Morello basically said.  Tom was inducting Jane’s Addiction into the Guitar Center RockWalk and said

Nirvana often gets credit for being the first ‘alternative’ band to break through, the band that changed music and led rock out of the hair metal wilderness of the ’80s. That’s just not true. It was Jane’s Addicton: inspiring intelligent, furiously rocking and artistically deep.”  The thing is, I don’t really care.

He’s got a point.  The thing is, I don’t really care.  Nirvana died in 1994 and the latest Jane’s Addiction song sounds like this

Opeth, one of the best live bands around, have released a handful of North American dates for their upcoming tour with Katatonia.  Not a big Katatonia fan, but that’s not stopping me from going to see Opeth live for the 4th time.  Tour dates can be found here


No RATM album, yo

If you’re waiting for a new Rage Against The Machine album, tough luck. It’s not happening anytime soon, according to a recent Tom Morello interview:

Right now there are no… You know, the band is not writing songs, the band is not in the studio. We get along famously and we all, you know, intend to do more Rage Against The Machine stuff in the future, but beyond sort of working out a concert this year, there’s nothing else on the schedule.

Hey, if you’re desperate for a new RATM album, just take any RATM song you want, play it over and over again and voila… That’s exactly what a new album would sound like.

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