Tag Archives: Trent Reznor


2011: The albums to watch out for (Pt. 1)

So as 2010 comes to an end, we all forget the mistakes of the past year, the dodgy synth driven pop albums of aged Nu-Metal acts, the mediocre drivel released by once good bands,  and now look forwards to the promised releases of the forthcoming year. Will the albums be as brilliant as promised, or will they flop quicker than my penis after I see Lady Gaga on TV? Time will tell.

So which albums should you watch out for in 2011? Read on after the jump to find out.


Are you bored? Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross to the rescue!

Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross

And I mean really bored? Bored-out-of-your-motherfucking-mind bored? Did you like “The Social Network?” Are you perhaps a fan of Trent Reznor? Wish you could watch a 45 minute video of him and Atticus Ross discussing their horrible soundtrack for the movie?

If you answered yes to all of those questions, make the jump. From the rooftop of a 20 floor building.


New old hate machine

Trent Reznor

Have you ever wondered why Trent Reznor re-released, remixed and re-re-released every album he ever made, but never Pretty Hate Machine? It’s because the original recordings have been considered lost for a long time. Fortunately for him (and unfortunately for fans’ wallets), they found its way home, and a re-release is scheduled for November 22nd. Read more for his announcement and see a “reinterpretation” of the original album cover.


Geek scores geek movie

The Social Network, the movie about the geek who made Facebook, is scored by Trent Reznor, the geek responsible for Nine Inch Nails and other bands that have both insulted and destroyed music.

Because he knows he won’t sell any copies, Trent released a five-song EP for free. If you had awful taste in music, you could get that here.

Musically, this all came out of our secret laboratory — electronic in basis, but mostly organic sounding. Lots of experiments and emphasis on sound fraying around the edges while focusing on the proper emotional tone for the various scenessaid Trent Reznor while updating his Facebook profile page.

When asked why most of his music sounds like the soundtrack to Sonic The Hedgehog, Trent had no comment.

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