Tag Archives: Trivium


Trivium go acoustic again

Trivium go acoustic again, and they want you to hear them do an acoustic rendition of their ‘Built To Fall’ song, so I’ll be damned if I’m not gonna embed it here and force you to do so.

The original song has a video which has been released a few days ago, and you can read my amazing comments on it right here. You can also read Mark’s review of their latest album here. We’ve covered this band more than we should have, apparently.

Anyway, my opinion on this acoustic song is: I have no opinion, cause I haven’t listened to it.

But hey, you go ahead!


Trivium go acoustic

Is that Iron Maiden? Yes it is. Is it Iron Maiden‘s “Iron Maiden’? Yes it is.

Trivium like acoustic guitars now, apparently.


Metalheadlines: Nostalgia edition

Nightwish (pictured above, even though I have no idea if that’s the current lineup — nor do I care to find out) are filmmakers now, or something. They’re putting together a movie named ‘Imaginaerum’ and an album of the same name. It will be directed by some guy named… Wait, what’s the point? Just read the full article and spare me from having to write any other details, jeez. The second dude from the left does kinda look like Jake Gyllenhaal though, if I’m honest.

Full Metal Jackie interviewed none other than Scott Ian of Anthrax on her show. Blabbermouth has the audio right here, so you can give it a listen by going to their site, cause they actually have information and content, unlike some other metal sites I could mention. We do have longer dicks, of that I’m sure.

Rage will enter the studio in October. Alex doesn’t care in September, nor will he care in October, either.

Dream Theater will tour Europe with some band called Periphery. And I care about this because…? Oh well, dates after the jump.

Grave have some footage online. By footage I mean two YouTube clips. Do you want to watch them? Me neither, but I will embed them after the jump, just to pretend I’m actually doing something on this stupid site.

Kyuss Lives! is the band Kyuss but without its most well-known member: Josh Homme. For some reason, they make music like that, and Brant Bjork spoke to some site about something and blah blah blah, read the interview here. This may seem lazy writing, but at least it’s honest.

Trivium have some footage from their tour. The footage is online. On YouTube. Is it embedded here? Of course. Why? No idea, but you can make the jump if that’s your cup of tea. I liked the band better when they were called Metallica though.


Attack of the killer interviews

The above interview kills. I’m not kidding, if you watch it, you’ll probably die of boredom.

Actually, I am kidding, because I didn’t even watch the interview as I didn’t want to take the risk. The video features Bryan Odell, a reporter from Lincoln, Nebraska, interviewing the bassist of Trivium, Paolo Gregoletto.

As I didn’t watch the interview, I can’t be sure what is actually said, but I’m going to guess Paolo discusses how “awesome” the new album is (hint – it isn’t).

If you’re interested in more boring interviews, then go read Blabbermouth instead then sit around, I don’t have a life, so I’ll probably post, and rip the piss out of, more soon. Enjoy.

[Source: Blabbermouth]


The Weekly Playlist: Better the devil you know

This week the UK has suffered some of the worst riots in recent history. Opportunist thuggery, or the lashing out of a group of people, excluded from society as a result of political and societal elitism. After all, it was Thatcher that taught us that society does not exist. Now is the time people turn to answers for why this happened, and it’s not something I can honestly condemn. Dismissing the last days as mindless violence is futile and will never get us to the root of the problem. Is it a lack of God in today’s Britain (fuck off), a breakdown of family unity, or the reaction to what is essentially a continuous swap between two parties that are nothing but different shades of shit, both of which support the same agenda?

I can’t pretend I have the answers, but what I do have is some honest reviews of some new music. So if you are sick of hearing about riots, sick of hearing from quasi-intelligent individuals discussing the alleged problems and answers to the world’s problems, why don’t we unite in listening to some kick ass Metal? And if that isn’t enough, we can also mock the shit out of some crappy ass music too.

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