Tag Archives: Trivium


Friday headlines and shit…

Floridian Metallica cover band metal band Trivium (pictured above) finished recording their new album. Where do you think they recorded it? Florida, duh. There’s some footage of Matt Heafy recording vocals, so if you want to see it, make the jump off a bridge.

Unearth, the band whose name sounds like something Al Gore would preach about, are also recording an album. It’s called ‘Darkness In The Light‘ and it’s coming out this summer. I wish all bands would name their albums with an oxymoron. Can you imagine Slayer? ‘Kerry King Slim.’

Another band that starts with the prefix ‘un-,’ Unexpect, is releasing an album. It’s called ‘Fables Of The Sleepless Empire‘ and it sounds like something Peter Jackson would direct. Track listing and artwork here.

Geddy Lee of Rush is also preaching about a new album. Gee, is he gonna use  new album pep clichés  like ‘heavier’ and ‘diverse’? You betcha.

There is pro footage of Accept performing ‘Neon Nights’ at Hammerfest and boy, I sure ain’t excited about it. In fact, who are these guys? Make the jump for the video if you’ve ever heard of them.

Speaking of bands you’ve never heard of, Communic also have a new album out called ‘The Bottom Deep.’ I could tell you when it’s coming out and what the tracks are, but I’m not gonna. 8==D


Trivium progress

This next story is a common one. Trivium have reached that point in their career where they have realised they’re not bigger than Jesus, and that they probably should just re-hash the stuff that made them big in the first place. It happens to a lot of bands; Korn, and Metallica to a slightly lesser extent, just for example.

You know the deal. Band releases album. Album makes the band big. Band then think that because they’re big, they can try to “push boundaries” (read release shit music) and that people will still like them. Band fall flat on their faces and wonder where their income has gone too. Band decide they’ll go “back to their roots” in a desperate attempt to reclaim their credibility and popularity. And then more often than not, this results in the band once again falling flat on their faces…

Yeah, so guess what Trivium are planning on doing?


Trivium “write” 17 new songs

I had to put “write” in quotation marks for obvious reasons…

The marketing tool masked as a Metal band, Trivium, have announced they have 17 songs ready for their next album. No doubt they will follow the same formula as their last few albums. I.e. “if we rip-off a riff from 20 years ago, and do our best Hetfield impressions, no one will notice and Metallica fans will love us”

Yeah doesn’t quite work like that guys…

In case you care, more info can be found here.


Rejoice! Trivial Trivium are back

Good news. Everyone’s favorite trivial cover band, Trivium, are heading into the studio in December to record the follow up to 2008’s Shogun. This will also be the first release with new drummer, Nick Augusto (not pictured above).

Who will Metallica Trivium rip-off draw inspiration from next? Lol Who cares?


BulletDeth for myTallica Trivium

The Virginian-Pilot recently conducted an interview with David Ellefson of Megadeth.  When asked about the new generation of bands, Ellefson commented that he thinks Bullet For My Valentine and Trivium are the Megadeth and Metallica of today (which, BTW, in case you hadn’t realised, is the reason for my stupid title).

Normally I’d try to say something funny at this point (and fail), but luckily Ellefson has already done it for me. No need for me to make jokes, just read that again. Trivium? Bullet for my Valentine? Metallica? LOL.

Check out more information on the interview here.

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