Tag Archives: Vader


Hear the preview for new Vader

Polish metal superstars Behemoth Vader have posted a preview clip for their new album, Welcome To The Morbid Reich. You can find it right above this text and you can listen to it if you hit the play button.

It sounds like… Vader! Take that any way you please. The album’s been out for a few weeks in Europe by the way, but it’s only coming out on September 13 in the States, which I guess is why ThePRP posted this, and I decided to steal it tweak it.


Friday Top 26: Heavy Metal Alphabet

We’ve done so many Top 10’s already, but this time we’ve decided to top it all with a Top 26. 26? There was something with 26, right? You got it! The Latin alphabet, that is used in most countries on this planet, has 26 letters.

So what are we going to do with these 26 letters? Well, every band has a bandname, and every bandname consists of letters. Can you follow me so far? We’re going to list the best band for each letter of the Latin alphabet (including their best song and album).

Ain’t that cool, now? It sure is. Make the jump for 26 letters and 26 ear-shattering Metal bands!


Friday Top 10: Best Death Metal songs

People always ask me “Hey, you awesome metal journalist you, what are the best songs of <insert genre>,” so I figured I’d write a list about the greatest Death Metal songs of all time.

There are just a couple of rules I’m limiting myself to. #1 Only one song per band, #2 Must be Death Metal; not Melodic Death, Deathgrind or Blackened Death.

Sounds simple? Well, it is, isn’t it? So make the jump now for this week’s Friday Top 10.


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Dose of Metal is going all professional on your ass! Are you out of the loop when it comes to being up-to-date with what’s going on in metal? Who’s releasing a new album? What is Band-X’s new album called? We’ll tell you! Why? Because that’s what we do. We talk about metal! WOOO!

Polish Death Metal band Vader (not pictured above) are going into the Herz Studio in Bialystok, Poland to record the follow-up to ‘Necropolis,’ which is going to be called ‘Welcome To The Morbid Reich’.

‘Phoenix Amongst The Ashes’ is the title of Hate Eternal’s upcoming album and the band released the album artwork and songlist. Check them out after the jump.

Everybody’s favorite French fries guys Gojira released the following statement about their upcoming album:

“We are currently working on a live DVD with important bonus section: ‘The Way Of All Flesh From The Inside’, the Sea Shepherd EP (a non-profit operation with a lot of people involved is a bit complicated to wrap, but we’re getting there and we promise to release these songs soon). We’re also composing a new album! We’ve written pretty much half of it, and we are very excited by this new material. It’s a big step for us. These songs are original and a good reflection of what we are today. We are so focused on these things that sometimes we forget to communicate with [the fans], but we’ll try to post more updates from now on.”

Iron Maiden have announced the 20.000th a new best-of double-CD, entitled ‘From Fear To Eternity: The Best Of 1990-2010’. Artwork and songlist after the jump.

Peter Tägtgren (Hypocrisy mainman) has announced the albumtitle of the forthcoming Pain album. The album is going to be called ‘You Only Live Twice’. Eh, I can’t even come up with a good punchline involving that title. Think of one yourself, you lazy fool!

And the most important news of the past couple of days was that Kerry King is a bobblehead! Or The Music Farm are going to release a bobblehead moddled after Kerry King. Whatever. Check out a video of the bobblehead after the jump.

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