Tag Archives: YouTube


Young kids and instruments

My ears! My ears!!! This kid starts with a small intro, only I can’t understand anything he’s saying… Then he starts playing the bass, and by playing I mean torturing, because the sounds that are coming out of that bass are the musical equivalent of “HELP! GET ME OUT OF HERE”

Also, get a better camera! Although scratch that, it would mean clearer audio of that atrocity.

My rating:


Young kids and instruments

No timing, no rhythm, no anything, this is absolutely impossible to watch. Nice mohawk, kid, but you’re not good enough.


My rating:


Metal goes acoustic: The Fifth

So in case it wasn’t painfully obvious, my last couple of “Metal goes acoustic” posts were jokes. So if you’re one of the many that thought they were lame and unfunny, you can rejoice in the fact the fifth edition will be a serious one.

This time, I’m posting an acoustic cover of Black Sabbath‘s Planet Caravan. The original was acoustic too, so there’s nothing more original than posting an acoustic cover of an already acoustic song is there? Yeah, you can tell I’m running out of ideas here. The performer however gets bonus points for his nice vocals that accompany the track. Plus the video is nice and clear, and so is the audio, so that’s a nice change from the fuzzy picture and distorted sound you get with many Youtube videos.


Young kids and instruments

This guy is smaller than his instrument, yet he takes us on a journey through a medley of well known songs. Does he mess up any of them? Umm… YEAH. Big time.

I got three words for you: ME. TRO. NOME.

My rating:



Metal goes acoustic: Go Fourth

Acoustic Metal fans are in for a real treat today. Today’s cover is the Thrash classic, Break Stuff, originally by Limp Bizkit. Whilst the original was great in its own right, it wasn’t without its flaws. With this cover, done by two guys, those flaws seem to be have completely eradicated. The lyrical genius of Fred Durst is highlighted with the vocals becoming much more prominent in this acoustic mix. In addition, while it may be difficult to believe, but the vocalist manages to be an even better rapper than Freddy D.

Overall, the cover does manage to surpass the quality of the original track, but I do feel it is missing some random beer swilling during the chorus’ and perhaps even some real breaking of “stuff” in the background to accompany the wonderful track. Perhaps I’m just nitpicking though.


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