Tag Archives: Zakk Wylde


Zakk Wylde has a stalker

When you think ‘celebrity stalkers,’ you usually think it’s for Megan Fox, Brad Pitt, Alex from Dose of Metal, you know — real celebrities.

Turns out even quasi-celebrities from the Z-list get stalkers, which brings me to Zakk Wylde and his lovable fan.

Zakk Wylde claims he’s ‘terrified’ of an obsessed fan who recently left a ‘sacrifice’ at his home, filed a request for a restraining order against his 20-year-old neighbor … claiming the guy has been stalking and harassing him a while.

According to the docs, Wylde recently called police to respond to an incident at his home involving the neighbor — which resulted in cops placing the neighbor in a 72 hour hold for mental evaluation.

Wylde claims the neighbor was ‘deemed mentally ill’ — and diagnosed with bipolar 1 disorder.

Read full article here.

Mentally ill? I’ll say… Who the hell stalks Zakk Wylde? Who the hell needs to stalk Zakk Wylde? I’m sure leaving a trail of Johnnie Walker Black Label drops à la ‘Hansel and Gretel’ will get him to follow you… Why risk jail time?

Oh well, I guess we’re glad Zakk is okay and the psycho is in custody. Read the full article on TMZ to see what the sacrifice was (spoiler: a guitar).


Shit Shatner sings

William Shatner and Zakk Wylde

Yesterday Revolver magazine premiered William Shatner‘s collaboration with Zakk Wylde, cover of Sabbath‘s Iron Man, and since we’ve been too busy being too awesome, we’re posting it today. But hey, it’s never too late to make fun of people, right?

Speaking of which, I’m not going to do it. I mean, it’s obvious as hell he’s either trolling or being super naive. And you know what? It’s the first of those two, which makes you naive for thinking it could be anything else. About the song, you can hear it bellow if you really want to, and see the album cover for Seeking Major Tom (coming out next month) after the jump.


Zakk Wylde talks about Randy Rhoads

According to Zakk Wylde and his interviewer, Randy Rhoads ‘flourished’ only after he joined Ozzy.

In a recent interview, this is what the former Ozzy guitarist had to say about, well, the former Ozzy guitarist before him:

Nothin’ for nothin’, the best thing for Randy was hookin’ up with Ozzy. […] Neal Zlozower [famous rock photographer] had seen him and he goes, ‘I know you love Randy and he’s your guy but I saw him back in the day with Quiet Riot and it was just like, ehhh.’

Read full interview here.

Quoting photographers and using that as an argument about a guitarist’s value. Cool. Were there any cameramen there, too? I’m sure they have a lot of input on Randy’s pre-Ozzy sound.

Listen, Zakk Wylde is a great guitarist and I respect his opinion on other guitar players, but who the hell cares what that Neal guy thinks of any guitarist? I’d like to see him take some criticism on photography from Kirk Hammett and Angus Young. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, right?

Wait, that’s a saying about equal rights amongst sexes, isn’t it? Why do I try to sound smarter than I really am? 🙁


Gus and Zakk, sitting in a tree…

I usually don’t like posting photos of bad quality on this site, as they ugly it up, but that moment above was way too precious not to use. Aww…

So… Ozzy‘s new guitarist, Gus G., finally met the guy he replaced: Zakk Wylde. That’s pretty much all you need to know. Dave, if you’re reading this, see? You don’t have to hate your replacement if you were fired before he joined your band.

This is what Gus said last year:

No. I haven’t met Zakk, I didn’t contact him. I’ve read all the stuff that he has said about me in the press, and that was very nice of him and that really means a lot to me because if one of my all-time favorite guitar heroes is giving me the thumbs up only gives me more confidence.

So he was a fan and Zakk encouraged him in the press. You know, we gave Zakk a hard time for not showering, but dude seems to be pretty polite and friendly. Unlike other guitarists/vocalists we could mention.

Make the jump for a lot of vids of Zakk talking about his gear and guitar playing.


S&BLS: Zakk not so wild anymore

We all know Zakk Wylde. A beer-drinking, motorbike-riding, epic-beard-having, bad-ass motherfucker. Wylde isn’t just his name (his real name is Jeffrey Phillip Wielandt, by the way), he is wild. Or rather, was.

He had to stop drinking, for understandable reasons, a while ago and now he’s going really soft. How? Well, just read the following statement of Zakk about Black Label Society’s upcoming live DVD:

“[We’ll] get a pedal steel player, some background singers, a string quartet…Just go the whole nine yards on this instead of just the full-blown, blow-it-out band. We have two (DVDs) out there with the full-blown band, heavy insanity. This’ll just be something different.”

Full interview here.

I might be the only one but I really enjoyed Metallica’s S&M, and I overall just like metal mixed with piano and/or strings, so I’m actually looking forward to this. Let’s just call it S&BLS for now.

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